Maze Of Perpetual Confinement is so named because its convoluted walls are entirely constructed from vertical prison bars.
This means that no matter in which direction you look, there are vistas of bars overlapping each other that disable effective visual orientation. You can see other people through the bars and hold conversations etc, but it's not going to help in finding your way out as they will be as lost as you are in the forest of bars. The maze takes up a large area and does have a single solution, but even if followed directly several hours of travel are involved.
After a while, panic may set in for those foolish enough to enter, but this is where the use of the word Perpetual becomes clear as there is no rescue facility provided at the Maze Of Perpetual Confinement.-- xenzag, Nov 06 2021 What’s the difference between a maze and a labyrinth? http://blog.english...ze-and-a-labyrinth/ [hippo, Nov 06 2021] Here’s how you solve. Bring a piece of wood in that spans 2 or 3 bars. Use it to guide you along one wall until that wall becomes the exit. Mazes with an entrance and exit are topologically reducible to a torus.-- RayfordSteele, Nov 06 2021 //Maze Of Perpetual Confinement//
Sounds like a spell from Jack Vance's Dying Earth or D&D.
What happens when someone takes an industrial blowtorch & heavy duty bolt cutter with them?
Later edit: //industrial// aka heavy duty for cutting through bars, seeing as [xen] seems to have missed the point-- Skewed, Nov 06 2021 Good luck with "wall following". You might want to read this first: "If the maze is not simply-connected (i.e. if the start or endpoints are in the center of the structure surrounded by passage loops, or the pathways cross over and under each other and such parts of the solution path are surrounded by passage loops), this method will not reach the goal.
Another concern is that care should be taken to begin wall-following at the entrance to the maze. If the maze is not simply-connected and one begins wall-following at an arbitrary point inside the maze, one could find themselves trapped along a separate wall that loops around on itself and containing no entrances or exits.”-- xenzag, Nov 06 2021 //Good luck with "wall following"//
Why bother when you can just burn through the walls made of bars in a straight line, with those items you'd make your own path through it with entrances & exits wherever you want.
//You might want to read this first//
I did, you might want to engage brain & use it before responding once in a while.
//traditional ball of string or trail of breadcrumbs//
Marking your path with bars cut in two work for you?-- Skewed, Nov 06 2021 Did I mention the guards who shoot people in the maze? Best to wait until the first shot is fired to create the greatest amount of terror.-- xenzag, Nov 06 2021 So this guy walks into a bar...-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Nov 06 2021 'Boing' says the bar to him.
'Ouch' he replies-- Skewed, Nov 06 2021 I could electrify the bars…….-- xenzag, Nov 06 2021 Hang on - is this a maze or a labyrinth? (link)-- hippo, Nov 06 2021 Defo a maze and no mention of labyrinth.-- xenzag, Nov 06 2021 You didn’t spell out whether the maze was simply- connected or not.-- RayfordSteele, Nov 07 2021 Wouldn't that result in both people turning around much of the time?-- RayfordSteele, Nov 09 2021 I was in a Maize once. I felt corn-ered.-- AusCan531, Nov 09 2021 Amazing-- pocmloc, Nov 09 2021 In the past, "confinement" sometimes referred to the seclusion of women around the time of childbirth.
... not usually in a maze, but some hospitals could almost fulfill this function. There might be a horror movie to be made there.-- pertinax, Nov 09 2021 random, halfbakery