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Halfbakery: Criticism
MFPIS Tag For Posted Ideas   (+2, -3)  [vote for, against]
Meaning "Marked For Prison In Scotland"

If someone puts up an idea that would get them imprisoned in Scotland, you put up the MFPIS tag to remind the poster that they are in non-compliance with Scottish law.

Which would result in an autobun from me without even reading the idea.
-- doctorremulac3, May 08 2024

Public Order Act 1986
British Law defining things like riots, public disorder and racial hatred. It's been law since 1986 across Britain. [zen_tom, May 08 2024]

Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act
A new law that extends the 1986 act, slightly redefining some of the protected characteristics that determine "aggravated" versions of other crimes, and adding "age" to the list of characteristics. [zen_tom, May 08 2024]

It should be an animated GIF of a sheep shaking his ass sadly back and forth back and forth.
-- 4and20, May 08 2024

Lol! Absolutely.
-- doctorremulac3, May 08 2024

I think an example needs to be provided on one of these non-compliance ideas that are particular to Scotland.
-- xenzag, May 08 2024

That law in Scotland doesn't do or represent what you seem to think it does or represents.

It's not a great piece of law, and probably was more preformative than anything else, which wouldn't be so bad of itself, only it attracted the ire and focus of the usual far-right nincompoops who pretended that it was something that it wasn't.

I know you probably weren't to know that, but by repeating the far-right's made-up or inferred position on this, you are actively harming freedom.
-- zen_tom, May 08 2024

Could I have a pointer to what you're referring to?
-- Loris, May 08 2024

Ah, this would be the law which JK Rowling was all "I'm going to say something, come and arrest me", and the police response was approximately "LOL no, the law is there for people being threatening and abusive and you're just being offensive."

I think given that, zen_tom is probably right that it's not such a big deal.
-- Loris, May 08 2024

Yeah, that's the one - looks like it's become *another* piece of right-wing misinformation.

It's like whack-a-mole, if people like [doc] and others weren't so ready to fall for these kinds of thing, we'd be able to relax a bit and stop being such try-hards trying to undo all the damage.

I don't like having to be captain correction, it's fucking tedious! But stuff like this matters if it's not weeded out, and it builds fertile ground for more worrying lies and manipulations.
-- zen_tom, May 08 2024

This is an actual idea, but it shouldn't exist. We didn't need yet another thread to argue the politics of hate speech laws, and that is the real purpose of this. Can we please get back to custard and explosives?
-- Voice, May 08 2024

A hundred times agreed [Voice]

I *hate* the meaningless politicking that's infested today's online discourse. And while I'm too much of a liberal to suggest banning it, it's safe to say it's fucking annoying.

What do you say [doc]? Lay off the right wing talking points, eh? Let's get back to something that's not based on shadows and fear-mongering?
-- zen_tom, May 08 2024

//custard and explosives?/

A packet of custard powder, a bicycle pump, two disposable lighters and a roll of electrical tape?

First pull the plunger all the way back and fill your bicycle pump with custard powder.

[This may take a while, and require a funnel]

Tape one lighter to the end of your bicycle pump. tape its gas release pedal down with more tape.

Light taped lighter with other lighter so it burns like a small pilot light at the end of your pump.

Select an appropriate demonstration target and point your bicycle pump at it, swivel the pump so the lighter is underneath with the flame playing across the pumps open nozzle.

Depress plunger in one swift smooth action.

And there we go, one ad hoc vanilla scented one shot flame thrower.

(not) Recommended for a parties and civil disobedience LARPing.

[Disclaimer, in very small print: may not work as advertised, no refunds or exchanges]
-- Skewed, May 08 2024

-- Voice, May 08 2024

-- zen_tom, May 08 2024

"Can you make a U-Turn?" "A U Turn? I can make its fucking eyes water." --Bernard Manning
-- 4and20, May 16 2024

random, halfbakery