Culture: Game: Word Game
Longest Silly Word Competition   (+2, -2)  [vote for, against]
Players are given a series of concepts and challenged to make one word that ties them all together.

Host: So contestant one, your word is referring to... the connection between two halves of a bird's brain during mating season and how it's affected by any milkshakes they might have drank in the Galapagos Islands. GO!

Contestant one: "Uhh, okay. The word is... galapogian aviosexual interhemispheric lactosial callosuminhibitory retardiocity."

Host: Judges? (Judges shrug their shoulders) Okay, that's 66 letters... DING DING DING! Okay, that puts you in the lead!"

Be a horrible game show but might make a fun party game for nerds. Draw a bunch of cards and you have to make one word that describes them all, then keep score by how many letters there are.

Could be challenged though, can't put any terms in that are unrelated to the cards. Of course a great deal of latitude would be granted, words that sounded close enough to the concept could be changed as necessary to fit with the other words. (Had to break the example word up, too long, but you'd pronounce it as one word.)
-- doctorremulac3, May 17 2024

https://en.wikipedi...lutinative_language [pertinax, May 18 2024]

Just One Example https://www.diction...lanfairpwllgwyngyll
This is just the short name. The long name is shown in the definition! [Canuck, May 18 2024]

German contestants would win.
-- pertinax, May 18 2024

What about the Welsh? <link>
-- Canuck, May 18 2024

-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, May 19 2024

Heh, I keep trying to add ally to the end of the word but the site won't let me because of the thirty character rule.

You'll just have to imagine it.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, May 19 2024

//What about the Welsh?//

They would rely too much on passion and natural flair, as opposed to relentless scientific training, do quite well, and then get knocked out on penalties.
-- pertinax, May 19 2024

random, halfbakery