This belt has a buckle that has one of those low sounding Chinese meditation balls on it with a bell with a high degree of sensitivity. This way when your center of intention moves you are outed and thus become more aware of your body language and thus freer, thus liberty belt.-- JesusHChrist, Mar 05 2015 Similar Biofeedback belt providing a sense of Direction. http://archive.wire...hive/15.04/esp.htmlWearer is always cognizant of which way is North. [AusCan531, Mar 06 2015] For added pseudoscience, a "polygraph vest" (with LCD display) could be worn.-- Spacecoyote, Mar 06 2015 Sounds like balls. [+]-- pertinax, Mar 06 2015 "Is that a liberty belt you're wearing, or are you just pleased to see me? "-- 8th of 7, Mar 06 2015 Not in a public place, no.-- 8th of 7, Mar 07 2015 I was hoping this would be the opposite of a chastity belt, for libertines.-- bungston, Mar 07 2015 What the fuck is a center of intention? And how does my belt buckle know when it moves? And would the bell not be activated simply by movement?-- MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 07 2015 You swore, hence your center of intention just shifted...ding dong, ding dong.-- blissmiss, Mar 07 2015 Yes, I've decided to try profanity for a while, at least until my career improves. Apparently, it's fucking awesome (profanity, that is).-- MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 07 2015 random, halfbakery