You're doing a school project, and you're cutting out a planet for your science poster. Oops! You went off the line, and Saturn is ruined. You finally decide it's time to buy Laser Scissors. These scissors cut just like any other scissors. However, these scissors have a laser eye and can see the line. Unless the hand holding them directs the scissors otherwise, the scissors will follow the line. What's more, you can program the scissors to cut on a certain color of line. Therefore, in a complicated pattern the scissors would know which line to follow. Voila!-- sumidog123, Aug 14 2002 Laser Printer With Laser Cutter http://www.halfbake.../idea/The_20Slasher [DrCurry, Aug 14 2002, last modified Oct 17 2004] are they connected to your brain? how dude?-- po, Aug 14 2002 Use a metal ruler and a craft knife. But not on your mother's best table.
(For Saturn, you can buy compasses that fit craft knives.)-- DrCurry, Aug 14 2002 Jupiter was an example, what if you're cutting out flowers?-- sumidog123, Aug 14 2002 this is like using a calculator to avoid having to do math, spell check to avoid learning how to spell. cutting things out develops manual dexterity.-- rbl, Aug 14 2002 sd123: since when do boys have to cut out flowers?-- DrCurry, Aug 15 2002 Boys? What boys?-- waugsqueke, Aug 15 2002 If you can draw a neat line for the cutter to follow, then you can cut a neat line round the object. No?-- pottedstu, Aug 15 2002 It might burn up the paper.-- smokeyjohnson, Aug 15 2002 That is correct, pottedstĀµ *snip* pottedstu-- thumbwax, Aug 24 2002 good...but so far i think i like your magnetic fly the best. it generated a very ~*interesting*~ conversation-- dingbats247, Aug 24 2002 how about a row of lasers ( to make a cutting edge ) mounted on the scissors blades then the scissors can cut harder materials such as glass and rock. -more advanced tools to the people, then man can get really creative.-- wjt, Apr 15 2003 [tombomb] I can just see your 10yearold asking to get the laser robotic arm of of the cupboard to cut some volcanic quartz for a school project.-- wjt, Apr 30 2003 random, halfbakery