Vehicle: Aircraft: Drone
Jellyfish Drone   (+3)  [vote for, against]
It trolls. It gums. It goes home.

This is an anti-drone drone that is notified of the activity of an enemy drone and is called from its moist carrier into action. Handled expertly and prepared to engage, this drone features multiple hanging tentacles of various composition and lengths. There are ones with long fiber bundles meant to snag propellers. There are gummy ones that stick aggressively. There are ones that are transmitters meant for tracking the enemy drone back to its origin. Piggyback charges that ride the enemy drone back to their masters. Magnets? Close range EM? Jamming pod on a line?

All of the various tentacle mods are designed to break away to allow the JD to immediately gain altitude and assess the situation. A second pass may be necessary. The JD works like a sniper team; a spotter, which could also be armed, and the JD, moving in for the kill. The spotter can protect the JD from ground attack and keep an overview.
-- minoradjustments, Jan 20 2024

Here's the tentacle part https://seas.harvar...asp-fragile-objects
But you still need to mount and keep it stable beneath a UAV [a1, Jan 20 2024]

Alien tentacle drone
[xenzag, Jan 20 2024]

More detailed images of alien jellyfish UAP https://www.reddit...._uap_possibilities/
Closer to what [minoradjustments] had in mind [a1, Jan 20 2024]

UAPs Busted!
Anti-Musk-obsessed scientist but still…. [minoradjustments, Jan 24 2024]

The Jellyfish Drone Is Not Mentioned
Fancy. Expensive. Technical. Complicated. [minoradjustments, Feb 12 2024]

(?) Tentacle Retrieval
But one of the many tentacles we have. [minoradjustments, Feb 18 2024]

Fabled Russian Witch
Very bad witch now working for Ukraine [minoradjustments, Feb 18 2024]

Festo Airjelly - vaguely related and very cool looking https://www.festo.c.../airjelly-id_33841/
Helium balloon with dangling tentacles that wave for propulsion [a1, Feb 18 2024]

[a1] That's great if you want to grab one, kicking and buzzing, and take it back to a safe disposal or examination area. I see cowboy drones wrangling dumb yearlings back to the corral.
-- minoradjustments, Jan 20 2024

//tentacles// [+]
-- pocmloc, Jan 20 2024

Baked by alien UFOs - link
-- xenzag, Jan 20 2024

I closely watched the ‘alien’ jellyfish drone video. Guess what? It was stationary and the viewer was moving, so the background slewed by and gave the impression that the UAP was moving. It may have been drifting in the wind but not under its own power. This same ‘evidence’ was used for the so-called ‘Gimbal’ UAP shot by Navy pilots and various other ‘proofs.’ That jellyfish could have been a weather balloon (usually a lame excuse but true in this case). A math/science guy on YT (thunderfoot) has the best explanation of these videos that have been erroneously touted as ‘proof by US pilot tracking videos of aliens.’ (link)

The JD is a real thing made by humans to help kill other humans, not a faked alien thing meant to confuse and distract.
-- minoradjustments, Jan 24 2024

// It was stationary and the viewer was moving,... It may have been drifting in the wind //

Well, which was it ? Stationary or drifting in the wind?

I don't think there was enough detail in even guess about what it was - or wasn't. Could have been a camera defect, a smudge on the lens or sensor. Quite a leap from there to say "aliens."

But people will see what they want. Look closely enough at that smudge and you can spot a bumper sticker that says "Xenomorph on board."
-- a1, Jan 24 2024

It doesn’t matter whether it was stationary or drifting with the wind. The crucial fact is PARALLAX. The viewer moves a lot, the object doesn’t move as much or at all, and the ground doesn’t move at all. It’s a see-saw that fools you into thinking there is motion there, like a landing jet liner seeming to stand still as you drive in the opposite direction. The relationship between the landscape and the plane seems to show the plane standing still. The long explanation in the (link) is very clear.

One analysis of the jellyfish UAP proposed a rider leaning forward over a vehicle like a motorcycle with kind of fringes. Not. Extraordinary claims require….
-- minoradjustments, Jan 24 2024

I've linked a good vid from Matsimus reviewing the current anti-drone drone development that is public. They all will eventually be refined, made more effective, and consequently more expensive to produce, crew, and maintain. The loss of a heavy duty high lift semi-automatic shotgun drone is significant economically and logistically. The same is true for all the developments in review. Specialized anti-drone drones will be used for specific missions.

BUT: Any drone can be a Jellyfish Drone. The addition of a Jellyfish Drone Kit tailored to the weaknesses of the target drone can be added to your existing drone just like a grenade or anti-tank mine: Zip tie the JD Kit onto the bottom of your cheap, mass-produced drone already in use, and go out hunting. Why shoot it with a complicated, heavy apparatus when you could drop a filament or trolling net that snares the rotors? The tentacles all break away at a force that allows your drone to return for the next mission. The JD Kit could be added to bomber drones for an added offensive capability.

Simple. Cheap.
-- minoradjustments, Feb 12 2024

Tentacle Retrieval link is a private message?
-- a1, Feb 18 2024

The Telegram link illustrates the utility and, may I say, necessity to adapt drones to fight drones. The vid shows the retrieval of a top-of-the-line Baba Yaga drone being accomplished with a specialized tentacle. These are bomb drones that carry 4 drop bombs. The Baba Yaga (2-faces Russian witch) had to be landed before getting home and a rescue was done by a brother (sister?) drone.
-- minoradjustments, Feb 18 2024

Unfortunately, I can't access the Telegram message. I'm not a member of the chat where it was posted. The Forbes article is accessible though.
-- a1, Feb 18 2024

It's a post on Telegram on the @dobrik_live thread. I don't know how links on T work. You probably have to subscribe if it won't open for you. When I clicked my link above I got the 'private' message in my browser, then it opened the link in my T application. Sorry.
-- minoradjustments, Feb 18 2024

Another drone adaptation video on Telegram: this one shows a net being dropped onto an enemy drone, fouling its props. This is also on the dobrik channel:

The more sophisticated and effective these anti-drone mods get...
-- minoradjustments, Apr 25 2024

random, halfbakery