Any house can have that special Shakespeare feel with this great value self-inflating terrace. Sturdy, 30ft high and covered in real ivy it fits easily into the trunk, (or boot) of your car for when you move.-- Mr Ham, Apr 24 2006 How would the ivy survive in the boot?-- Five_Swords, Apr 24 2006 Ah yes I hadn't thought of that. Is ivy expensive? Do garden centres stock it? Otherwsie how about inflatable ivy? This'd tie in nicely I think-- Mr Ham, Apr 24 2006 Ok.
Now tell me how a 30ft inflatable object can become sturdy.-- Five_Swords, Apr 25 2006 strong fabric and high pressure?
Romeo: Would a rose, by any other name not smell as sweet? (Romeo places rose on balcony) Balcony: FSSSSSSSSSSpthththththththth-- Freefall, Apr 25 2006 Juliet: "Hark, what hissing do I hear with mine ears? Didst thou fart, Romeo? I smell butt roses."-- normzone, Apr 25 2006 Helium-filled, shirley?-- DrCurry, Apr 25 2006 <obligatory sharing of a ho-hum misread #634> I read this as inflamable balcony </obligatory sharing of a ho-hum misread #634>-- Texticle, Apr 26 2006 I know there are a lot of seals that could go bad, but consider, bakers, a teloscoping aluminum frame that is pressurised.
I kind of like this idea.
You set up the teloscopic aluminum frame (which is of course x-braced), pressurise it, and then use a winch to tension the floor support cables (& as long as you follow the pre-engineered specs)... aha!
(perhaps you have to graffiti the ivy, though).-- Zimmy, Apr 26 2006 Pop! April Fools!!!!-- croissantz, Apr 28 2006 I've seen proposals for inflatable homes. Don't see why this wouldn't work.
The ivy could be a problem, though. how are you going to keep it alive in the trunk? An inflatable Gro-bag?-- moomintroll, Apr 28 2006 typical hb, everyone more concerned about the ivy!-- po, Apr 28 2006 Perhaps the main compartment could be filled with heavy water? The ivy can be bought fresh each time and grown according to the usual horticultural advice -tamping in/ hoeing etc-- Mr Ham, Apr 29 2006 random, halfbakery