Food: Restaurant: Buffet
Incontinental Breakfast   (+3, -3)  [vote for, against]
One bite and you'll be rarin' to go!

Prune danishes, Ex-lax chocolate croissants, an assortment of high-fiber fruits, breads, and cereals—and don't forget the extra-caffeinated coffee!

(Sorry. [marked-for-self-termination])
-- ytk, Dec 26 2012

NB: This was on my mind after “enjoying” a particularly poor breakfast buffet recently, and I just had to get it out. So to speak.
-- ytk, Dec 26 2012

Hey, a lot of the Ideas around here are based on puns, and I see nothing wrong with this one.
-- Vernon, Dec 26 2012

Curried baked-bean omelet …
-- 8th of 7, Dec 26 2012

With perhaps a nice re-laxative cup of tea...
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Dec 26 2012

With perhaps a nice re-laxative cup of tea...
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Dec 26 2012

Your cup of tea is repeating on you, [2fries] ...
-- 8th of 7, Dec 27 2012


Dear diary:
uh, doubled over earlier today...
<hopes that the price to renovate the pair'o'stall is not too steep>
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Dec 27 2012

<old joke> Scrawled underneath a roadsign saying "Dover for the Continent": "Brighton for the Incontinent"<\oj>
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 27 2012

I think I can guess: once, after half of year of being lactose free, I was doubled up for about a week after resuming consumption.

Anyways, eating a banana before drinking a coffee really helps things move right along as well.

[marked-for-elimination] not an Idea.
-- FlyingToaster, Dec 27 2012

I'm pretty sure the whole idea is about elimination.
-- In No Particular Order, Dec 28 2012

random, halfbakery