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Computer: Email: Emotion
I'll Tell Him   (+7)  [vote for, against]
No, I'll Tell Him

The proliferation of smartphones that act as additional email clients has created a proliferation of pavlovian chimes when a new email arrives at the Inbox or a calendar appointment occurs.

Given that most if not all smartphones support Bluetooth, enable the optional but automated disabling of email & calendar related notifications when one is in proximity of a computer that is already making such occurences known to the user.
-- theircompetitor, Apr 26 2008

Gmail allows to pause notifications to mobile while on PC https://timesofindi...n%20desktop%20only.
[theircompetitor, Aug 17 2022]

I thought this was going to be a "Dear John" text service.
-- po, Apr 26 2008

well, I can't freaking believe it, but Chrome Gmail just asked me if I wish to pause mobile notifications while using this device.

First mentions I'm seeing in March of 2022, so baked a mere 14 years after this idea
-- theircompetitor, Aug 17 2022

random, halfbakery