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Product: Skates
Hoover skates   (-1)  [vote for, against]
making the job of sweeping the roads that little bit more fun

Backpack mounted hoovers ducted down to skirts around you ordinary skates
-- scubadooper, Aug 20 2004

Thanks to [drivel] for the inspiration http://www.halfbake...idea/Hover_20skates
[scubadooper, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

You could have the hoover bags in your trousers, they'd be enourmous. It'd be worth it just to see people using them.
-- harderthanjesus, Aug 20 2004

This explains MC Hammer.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Aug 20 2004

having the bags in your trousers would act as padding for people like me who fall a lot
-- elfling, Aug 20 2004

If we shaped them right you could bounce back onto your feet
-- scubadooper, Aug 20 2004

C'est lame, n'est-ce pas? -1
-- phundug, Aug 20 2004

¿C'est cuchilla, n'est no?
-- skinflaps, Aug 20 2004

Ah, Mr Hammer, or MC to his friends, was such a litter concious man.
-- harderthanjesus, Aug 20 2004

Some echoes are worth having. (+)
-- st3f, Aug 23 2004

random, halfbakery