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Business: Work Break
Hand Sanitizer in Bathroom Stalls   (+10)  [vote for, against]
A wall hand sanitizer dispenser inside each bathroom stall.

It would be prohibitively expensive to put a sink in each stall, but sometimes I want to clean my hands before touching clothes or the door or the sink.
-- miggavin, Dec 05 2016

Like this? https://i.redditupl...d9c33318b9bf9cd3b42
[AusCan531, Dec 09 2016]

This is a disconcertingly good idea ... [+]
-- 8th of 7, Dec 05 2016

I'm bunning this in principal but I'm afraid people would pee in it.

Did I say "afraid"? I meant to say "certain".

I guess if it was mounted high enough so that only the most motivated jerks would pee in it then it might be ok.
-- doctorremulac3, Dec 05 2016

Best thing that ever happened to construction site porta-potties. (+)
If it's in a gas station toilet then foot activated would be good.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Dec 05 2016

If you gotta go you gotta go. The multi-layer tp ass-gasket is ok, but a little Purell would be good at times.

Some peoples' kids... I just don't even
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Dec 05 2016

and a butt sanitizer, too.
-- FlyingToaster, Dec 06 2016

// combine the cistern with a handbasin //

That's Baked.
-- 8th of 7, Dec 06 2016

Yep, that's the standard layout for a domestic toilets over here, except in train stations..don't know why...
-- not_morrison_rm, Dec 06 2016

Hand or hands ? After using the urinal I only need to sanitize one hand. After using the toilet, two hands are likely germified.
-- popbottle, Dec 07 2016

I'd prefer foot-activated door opener, taps, and soap dispensers
-- hippo, Dec 07 2016

//After using the urinal I only need to sanitize one hand.

Long debate on radio about whether it's better to clean hands before or after taking a pee...depends if you want to get germs on the..delicate parts
-- not_morrison_rm, Dec 09 2016

Too much information, [IT] ...
-- 8th of 7, Dec 09 2016

" UV flash-bang grenade. — bigsleep, Dec 05 2016 "

Put me on the mailing list, I'll give you my credit card.

Come see me in jail after I throw a few dozen.
-- normzone, Dec 10 2016

S'OK, we'd come and bust you out. Or maybe just beam you out ... easier and quicker, but less dramatic and not nearly so much fun.
-- 8th of 7, Dec 10 2016

No. When we Assimilated Locutus, we uploaded the specifications.

Besides, ours is a different design.
-- 8th of 7, Dec 10 2016

[+] although AusCanSEI pointed out that it's baked.
-- pashute, Dec 10 2016

random, halfbakery