There are (arguably) some good ideas on HB. The question often springs to mind, "why can't I buy this stuff already?".
The ideas might be good, but they're not in the form a company executive can appreciate. What is needed is a 'translation' of these ideas into business talk - a business plan.
I propose a open forum (similar to HB) that takes existing ideas (from HB as well as other places on the net e.g. expired patents, Instuctables, etc.) and creates a business plan.
Each business plan would explain succinctly things such as: what the product does, the potential market size, exiting products that perform a similar function, anticipated cost of R&D, why a particular company would be well suited to making the product etc.
The business plans would be posted and then become open for comment, improvement and criticism.
The forum would be a great place for business students, entrepreneurs and business executives to 'cut their teeth' and interact and (hopefully) turn ideas into reality.-- xaviergisz, Feb 01 2009random, halfbakery