Culture: Celebration: Gift
Gift Picture Gift Card   (+4)  [vote for, against]
'It's a gift card!'

This plastic credit-card-like gift card is in itself the gift. Instead of having a store and $ value on it, it has a great picture of a great gift on it. It's the thought that counts and the giving of the gift picture gift card is thoughtful if nothing more.

A: It's a gift card.
B: Great. Where can I use it?
A: Anywhere. It's a Florida vacation.  (Picture of)
A: It's a gift card.

People love plastic cards. Collectible. Affordable. Do all your shopping conveniently online. Save $$$. Stop the shopping insanity.
-- Mustardface, Jan 09 2010

I'll trade you my florida vacation for your trip to Hawaii!
-- outloud, Jan 10 2010

random, halfbakery