Sport: Zorb
Giant pinball zorbing   (+12)  [vote for, against]
Zorbs + pinball

A zorb is a giant inflated ball that you crawl into and get pushed down a hill, combine this with a giant game of pinball and you have some really crazy thing that I like to call pinzorbing. One person inside the zorb and two on the flipper buttons. let the hilarity and vomiting commence.
-- Gulherme, Nov 30 2002

Zorb central
Yeah They look pretty crazy. [Gulherme, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Cat Pinball http://www.halfbake.../idea/Cat_20Pinball
I would pay to watch cat pinball zorbing. [my face your, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

That looks like a blast.
-- thumbwax, Nov 30 2002

Who controls the flippers?
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Nov 30 2002

I didn't know they were called flippers but I will fix that now.
-- Gulherme, Nov 30 2002

Croissant for pinzorbing. It kinda rolls off the tongue.

What are you on and where can I get some?
Is it raining with you?
-- madradish, Nov 30 2002

I want one.

They should design 'em so that your heart is right in the center of the ball.
-- RayfordSteele, Dec 05 2002

It's fun for the whole family! Or at least, for the whole frat house...
-- Pharaoh Mobius, Dec 05 2002

This would be the coolest thing ever. . .Imagine getting shot around in a giant ball half filled with your own vomit. and you KNOW people would think its a great idea to do this drunk. now THATS fun.
-- notme, Dec 05 2002

lolly - there is every chance.
-- Gulherme, Dec 06 2002

They do something very similar to this on a game show called Takeshi's Castle, but there are no flippers at the bottom, just gaps that you have to go through to get to the next round.
-- modular, Jun 22 2003

I could only dream of giving you the gigantic, fresh, super-fluffy croissant this idea deserves. A+.
-- disbomber, Apr 08 2005

Mr. Flaps and I had this idea in the pub - we weren't sure who came up with it but now we know... it was [Gulherme]. Maybe he was the camp bloke next to us.

PS Just tried Zorbing - it was very silly indeed.
-- wagster, Aug 09 2007

<snigger> Goodun.
-- skinflaps, Aug 09 2007

random, halfbakery