Product: Drink Container: Stein
Franken-steins   (+10)  [vote for, against]
Not now Igor you fool!

Take one collection of various beer steins and cut matching chunks from each mug with a diamond blade band saw.
Reconfigure whole mugs from the different pieces with super glue.
Attach bolts to the base of each Franken-stein, and wait in the tower for the next lightning storm.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Oct 31 2004

Carlton Draught
Made From .... Beer? [vigilante, Nov 01 2004]

Cheers Igor!
[cromagnon, Nov 04 2004]

may produce franken stains
-- benfrost, Nov 01 2004

Any Aussies will know the Carlton Draught "Made From Beer" ad campaign. [2fries] could roll out the Franken-steins "Made From Steins" series with no problems, I'm guessing. +
-- vigilante, Nov 01 2004

Silly name - Check!
Stupid idea - Check!
Diamond-bladed cutting device - Check!
Manic laughter - Check!
Croissant - Check!
-- DocBrown, Nov 01 2004

Ha. Not microwave safe. +
-- sartep, Nov 01 2004

You microwave your beer ?
-- normzone, Nov 01 2004

stupid alien. ; )
-- k_sra, Nov 01 2004

It's not like I drink your liquid mana anyway, Eartor. :P
-- sartep, Nov 02 2004

Building your own Franken-stein is thirsty work. You might need a replica to use as a stop-gap.+[link]
-- cromagnon, Nov 04 2004

Awsome link [Cromagnon].
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Nov 04 2004

random, halfbakery