Vehicle: Car: Cruise Control
Foaming Hubcaps   (+2, -1)  [vote for, against]
hubcaps that emit foam

Foaming Hubcaps are equipped with a device that enables a harmless type of coloured foam to be released on demand.

The generation of a sufficiently large volume will mean that a slowly driven vehicle will appear to be gliding quietly along on a bed of coloured bubbles.
-- xenzag, Jul 11 2017

Art Deco car candidates for a refit http://fristcenter....tail/sensuous-steel
[zen_tom, Jul 11 2017]

I can see the utility of this, but perhaps you should explain for the others.
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 11 2017

Only for the select few. Technicians and engineers are standing by.
-- xenzag, Jul 11 2017

Would work nicely on an old 30's style, low-rider motor, resembling a big foamy slug making its way ponderously and slimily down the road.
-- zen_tom, Jul 11 2017

Maybe for those M577 APC's, re-fitted for fire fighting ram raids.
-- wjt, Jul 16 2017

random, halfbakery