Computer: Game: First Person Shooter
First Person First Personer Game   (+1, -1)  [vote for, against]
dark drost effect

The helmet-cam-like view shows a pair of hands on a drone-control console, which echo the actions of the user's hands on the physical controls.

It also shows the display of the drone control console.

In a series of missions, the player steers virtual first-person drones on to mostly unsuspecting and unresisting targets.

After a random length of time, the screen goes black, and then displays the message "An enemy drone team has found and liquidated your drone team: play again?"
-- pertinax, Jan 31 2024

recursive video game [pocmloc, Jan 31 2024]

Sim Sim You Sim_20Sim_20You
[hippo, Jan 31 2024]

Pivotal scene from Superhot
Similar vibe, esp exploring the theme of "having little-to-no agency". [zen_tom, Feb 01 2024]

You're right, [poc] and [hippo],; "recursive game" is not a new idea; the new part is only the observation that a current- events update to the "shooter" part of FPS would produce such a game.
-- pertinax, Jan 31 2024

Yes, I wasn't suggesting that was the same as this; rather that it is tangentially similar in theme
-- hippo, Jan 31 2024

Right, my idea was universal in that you could load any game in-game and control it using the recursive control.

I assume drone control shoot-ups are a known game genre? (I know nothing about games).

So I don't get what is new, is the new thing the nature of this drone control shootup game? What is the recursive element except that you see the hands of the gamer you are controlling on screen?

In fact is it recursive? In a driving game don't you sometimes get presented with the driver's hands on the steering wheel...

Is there some political commentary thing going on with the scenario? I hope not because there's enough politics in the other thread to last a lifetime.
-- pocmloc, Jan 31 2024

//I know nothing about games//

Nor do I, but I'm assuming it's not - precisely because of the one-sided nature of the encounters.

If such a game *did* exist, then maybe it would appeal to players of pachinko, which (though I've never played it) seems to be a sort of pinball for fatalists. Maybe some people *like* having little-to-no agency.
-- pertinax, Feb 01 2024

random, halfbakery