Business: Taxi Service
Find my fare 2   (0)  [vote for, against]

Enter your location into this app and your destination. The app will tell you howmuch a cabdriver would reasonably charge you. Stops you from getting ripped of you see.

This is what I thought 21's idea would be.
-- zeno, Jan 03 2014

Taxi Fare
Kinda like this? Available as an iPhone and iPad app. [jurist, Jan 03 2014, last modified Jan 25 2015]

-- jurist, Jan 03 2014

Yes that link is pretty much it.
-- zeno, Jan 03 2014

//Not available on iPhone, but we Android users are// unable to pass up any opportunity to be unbearably smug, whether it's justified or not.
-- ytk, Jan 04 2014

Even I knew about Fare Finder, and where I live when you see a taxi you shoot it and hang its lightbar over your garage door because that, my friend, is a rare trophy indeed.
-- Alterother, Jan 04 2014

random, halfbakery