Culture: Television: Interaction
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Starbucks vs. MacDonalds

In an impossibly rediculous line at Starbucks at 8:55 this morning, while enjoying all sorts of line cutters, passive aggressive un- caffeinated behavior, screaming baristas, and jolly Christmas music, I was thinking it would be nice to have a record of some of this subtle but telling behavior. It would be a job for psychologists to go over morning after morning of line videos, working out what kind of music- environment - etc makes people happy/ spend money etc, and Starbucks would probably pay for this kind of info.

And while we're at pipe dreaming, why don't we throw MacDonalds in the mix too. Although I have sworn off MacDonalds because of their line fiascos, I would gladly submit myself once again if I knew I were contributing to the psychological analysis of line offenders.

Site that collects for analysis, Videos of the worst Starbucks and MacDonalds line fiascos.
-- JesusHChrist, Dec 11 2015

Muck versus muck.
-- xenzag, Dec 11 2015

Analysis of customers' behavior have several widely known branches of study and even schools of thought. These include microeconomics, on-site marketing, and consumer sociology.
-- Voice, Dec 12 2015

random, halfbakery