Most accidents involving backwards-moving vehicles occur the moment the vehicle starts to move, rather than after the vehicle has already been moving for a while*.
Therefore, it would be prudent for the warning beeps to start earlier -- when the driver puts his/her hand anywhere near the shift knob, as opposed to only after the vehicle is already in reverse. If the driver removes his/her hand without shifting, the beeping stops. Cheap stick-on sensors would be easy to install.
It could even be a different kind of beeping, indicating "Warning - this vehicle may be about to change direction." This could prevent forward-going accidents as well (e.g. by people who are in front of a truck and assume it'll continue moving backwards away from them.)
* Source: I made it up.-- phundug, May 02 2008 I think you need to check your sources.-- WcW, May 03 2008 What did you back into?
If only you could expand this into involuntary turn signals.-- normzone, May 03 2008 I'm thinking of putting a sign on my truck that says: "Warning: this vehicle may or may not move in any given direction at any given time." I figure that way anybody I run over has only themself to blame.-- Alterother, May 06 2008 I think you mean "Warning: this vehicle may or may not move in any given direction at any given time (laws of Physics permitting)." - I mean it's hardly likely to move downwards into the road surface is it?-- hippo, May 06 2008 Well if he's an owner/driver wanting to earn more $, and overload his truck, he may very well move downwards-- g00r, May 06 2008 Presumably, the beeping starts when the gear goes into reverse, which is presumably before the driver takes his foot off the brake. That's not enough warning?
I think the real safety feature here is adding reverse beeping to all vehicles, including family cars.-- DrCurry, May 06 2008 After a while all of this reverse beeping will be disregarded the same way we tend to disregard car alarms. "...beep...beep..beep...Oh don't mind that truck. He's probably not backing up."-- Jscotty, May 06 2008 Thoroughly disagree with that - do you ignore turn signals just because some people leave them on too long?-- DrCurry, May 06 2008 random, halfbakery