A baseball cap (or other brimmed hat) with a one-line display screen that hangs down at the edge of the brim. Text scrolls along from right-to-left at a variable selectable speed. The screen might fold up under the brim when not in use. *pulls hat down a little more*-- afinehowdoyoudo, Dec 13 2009 Similar but no brim http://www.pacificg...s=1328&ID=36582&P=F [leinypoo13, Dec 13 2009] Only if it scrolls "Escaped Mental Patient...Extremely Violent...Avoid Eye Contact" then it flickers and gives you a little shock so that it causes one of your eyes to blink.
Or "HELP ME... I am mute...Which way to the bus station?"-- leinypoo13, Dec 13 2009 random, halfbakery