There should be an agreed upon absolutely safe posture that folks can assume so as to minimize the risk of fatality and also minimize the chance of loss of face or miscommunication, and to minimize the risk of self incrimination, in the event of a confrontation with police, especially in the context of the Black Lives Matter movement.
It seems to me that there is a lot of body language and dominance games going on with the arrests and searches etc that go bad. Maybe if there was one safe position that folks could get into that would satisfy the police that the hands were up and away from pockets but that also provided for little or no eye contact and minimized humiliation (was not buns up kneeling).
Actually buns up kneeling would avoid eye contact and the opportunity for subtle body language negotiation, and would be humiliating enough so that the necessity for everyone who gets arrested getting into that position would force public analysis of police gestural behavior without the loss of life that might result from trial and error negotiation.
So this idea is that everyone who comes into contact with police for any reason immediately assume the buns up kneeling position with hands above head and not speak at all until fully handcuffed, and thus minimize self incrimination and loss of life.-- JesusHChrist, Sep 02 2015 'OH, MOONING THE OFFICER NOW ARE WE? LET'S SEE WHAT THE CLUB SAYS ABOUT THAT!'-- RayfordSteele, Sep 03 2015 random, halfbakery