Instead of having an aquarium you just LOOK at, you have one you can stick your head in - and open your mouth- and let cleaner fish take care of the yucky stuff that accumulates on teeth and gums. The japanese use some kind of fish to clean up feet... and the first to do my idea well might make some money with a youtube video of it?? (Gee, Dad, that's a great idea... why don't YOU do it?)-- lewstanley, May 10 2018 Cleaner Wrasse https://en.m.wikipe...reak_cleaner_wrasse [AusCan531, May 10 2018] // some kind of fish to clean up feet //
A flatfish, probably some species of Sole...-- 8th of 7, May 10 2018 Borg don' got no sole.-- MaxwellBuchanan, May 10 2018 Soles and Eels-- Lemon, May 10 2018 We'd hake you to be wrong about that.-- 8th of 7, May 10 2018 These type of fish are already baked (poor phrasing I know). Cleaner Wrasse [link] will set up cleaning stations on coral reefs where fish will queue up to have parasites and bits of dead skin nipped off. Even large predators will open their mouths and the wrasses willl happily swim into their mouths and gill covers to clean up detritus. They will perform the same service for human divers who remove their regulators and open their mouths.-- AusCan531, May 10 2018 random, halfbakery