A full-length garment with a scaled outer layer.
The scales can be any size, made of any material... polished aluminium suggested for the summer, carbon-fibre for the winter (with an insulative substrate of course), and for year-round wear and all'round class nothing beats an intricate pattern of hardwood veneers.
Fashioned mostly to resemble reptilians and the like - real, extinct or imaginary - the more advanced models' tails act as a counterbalance to an internal exoskeletal spine that serves to give the proper jaws-and-claws-forward raptor posture without the lower back fatigue it would normally visit on humans.-- FlyingToaster, Jan 03 2014 Matching gloves and toed-shoes also required.-- pocmloc, Jan 03 2014 How does one go about drinking this garment?-- Alterother, Jan 03 2014 Signalling the waitress with the appropriate roar, or tapping one's talons loudly on the table, should suffice.
[poc] I think most people could articulate 3-toed/taloned footwear quite well with a bit of practice.-- FlyingToaster, Jan 03 2014 Yes and "lobster" mitts are already widely available and popular e.g. for bikers.-- pocmloc, Jan 04 2014 random, halfbakery