Business: Financial: Banking
Child Bankruptcy Plan   (+3, -2)  [vote for, against]
Learn early; avoid authority

There’s a new educational training available for kids that includes a bank account, a credit card, a set allowance, and schooling in good financial management. It uses real money and purchases can be made with the real credit (debit) card from the account. It’s a great idea and gets kids off on a solid foundation.

What these plans lack are the consequences of flagrant misuse of the credit card and disrespecting the limits that have been set; running up monster balances at the Lego store, bullying peers to buy stuff when they run out of funds, and gorging on sweets bought with the last funds available. I propose a Junior Bankruptcy Court that has the authority to put these violators in the slammer or require remedial money-handling instruction. Thus the Child Bankruptcy Plan will include a Youth Debtors’ Prison, where only broccoli and escargot are served and you don’t get to use your phone, watch any TV or use any internet. Sentences of community service include counting the jelly beans in the jar at the candy store (but not allowed to have any), saving places in the cafeteria line for entitled classmates, and checking the bathrooms for transgender pissers (Florida only). Some sentences require the offender to wear uncool trainers (sneakers) and new, pressed jeans. Remedial classes are scheduled to intentionally fall on big sports days, proms, and movie days. Attendance at assemblies is ensured by naming offenders as monitors and minders.

Plans are in progress to establish Kiddie Chain Gangs for repeat offenders.

The value of any education must include the consequences of violations or the training will be shed like the baby teeth of a 6 year old.
-- minoradjustments, Jan 29 2024

Greenlight https://greenlight....6&ir_sharedid=45681
money management for kids [minoradjustments, Feb 01 2024]

Using the eating of healthy vegetables as a punishment is not a great idea. Instead of that, I’m going to suggest the endless colouring in (using bright orange of course) of outline drawings of the head of “he who’s name cannot be spoken on the HB for fear of upsetting his worshipful supporters”
-- xenzag, Jan 29 2024

Existing bankruptcy plans exist to make things as humiliating and painful as possible, so I don't see a reason not to spread the pain [+]
-- Voice, Jan 29 2024

[xenzag] I appreciate your thoughtful ideas and you have taught me something about art. Biden or the group behind him seems to be handling the economy competently right now.
-- Voice, Jan 29 2024

Denial of access to the recordings of Taylor Swift or some other equivalent airhead's pop drivel.
-- xenzag, Jan 29 2024

His smell is very hard to block, but leaving the septic tank lid open does help.
-- xenzag, Jan 30 2024

[xenzag] There is different Debtor’s Prison tuned up for Señor Naranja’s visit after liquidation and calumny. Olfactory offenses are dealt with on an ad hoc basis, by a team of volunteer citizens who have lost the sense of smell but not their sense of propriety or fairness.

It’s always a problem fitting a walrus into an orange jump suit but they will figure something out.
-- minoradjustments, Jan 30 2024

//Another sad plea for attention from a lonely old cat lady.// Are you going to let this be said about you without any reaction? [-minoradjustments]
-- xenzag, Jan 30 2024

Oh I see - as I am not lonely, not female, and not a cat owner, I was sure you were referring to the poster. Perhaps you should address your own confusion as it seems to be spreading like a virus. (some people even think Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi are the same person)
-- xenzag, Jan 30 2024

Whatever you identify as you sure are one hate filled... whatever.

And this stupid obsession is a plea for attention no matter what you are, so can you please just shut up about Donald Trump? He's the center of your world, nobody else's.

So now that we know you're a happily married man with a loving family, great kids and lots of friends and an active social life, go spend some time with the wife, your kids and your buddies and give us all a break from this annoying Trump obsession okay?

And if that's not what you are, can you PLEASE, PLEASE, not tell us any more about yourself? Nobody cares about that either.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

I never mentioned "his" name once. You brought the forgetful one obediently to the table. As the whole of the development world lives in fear of the return of this particular fruit cake, I hardly think it's unexpected that "he" may feature from time to time here. He is after all a ripe source of festering idiocy and all things halfbaked. Who could resist?
-- xenzag, Jan 30 2024

Anybody with a life.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

You, especially, [doctor] seem to be making this unnecessarily personal but you [xenzag] border on trolling with your constant rant.

Having dipped my toe in already this makes me a hypocrite, but can we please not do this? I challenge each of you to edit your comments into compliments about each-other and non-snarky acknowledgements of one good thing about Trump on one hand and one good thing about Biden on the other. I'll do the same with mine.
-- Voice, Jan 30 2024

//can we please not do this?//

YES!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

Except for the talking about Trump and Biden. There are websites for that stuff. Appreciate your idea, but I personally hate political or religious discussions, especially when they merge like it has here. They're pointless. Nobody's gonna change their mind and I have no interest in changing anybody's mind anyway.

I just came here for various custard filled inventions and long for the days when that was the main attraction. Trolling has taken its toll on the once fun HB and your political ideology doesn't matter, no matter where you stand nobody likes this shit. But thank you for your attempt to keep the peace.

Anyway, here's a link for people who like to talk about politics.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

//YES// Okay, that's 4 insults to be removed and 4 compliments to be added.
-- Voice, Jan 30 2024

That's a lot of work, how about this. I've said it before and I'll say it again, xenzag is one of my favorite posters here when it's about creative stuff and not this Donald Trump trolling thing. When they talked about leaving (after they started a Donald Trump flame war) I implored them to stay. I think the core players of the HB of old were Maxwell Buchanan, 8th of 7 and xenzag.

So to further keep the peace I vow to never bring up Donald Trump. That should be easy because I never have, but hey, formal peace offering. Can we please just be nice to each other?

Let's do the live and let live thing eh?
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

Now apologize for calling [xenzag] a hate filled lonely old cat lady without a life begging for attention. Or remove those comments.
-- Voice, Jan 30 2024

Dude, drop it.

Let's move on and try to be nice to each other going forward.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

//drop it//No. You're being a jerk and you need to apologize. You immediately jump to personal insults. It's uncalled for. It's counterproductive. And it's weak. You're getting trolled and you need to stop feeding the troll, and also you need to be a nicer person online.
-- Voice, Jan 30 2024

Okay, calling people a jerk is not exactly being nice.

Again, let's try to be nice to each other going forward.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

Nice try but pointing out your bad behavior is not bad behavior. "let's all be nicer" is not the apology [xenzag] deserves.
-- Voice, Jan 30 2024

Let's not be bossy and nasty here.

Everybody's beautiful in their own way.

How about a dual apology, me to xenzag, xenzag to me?

Eh? xenzag? How about it?

I took down the cat lady comment. Peace offering. Maybe you take down the "worshipful supporters" insult now.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

Oh well, I tried.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

Aww, jeez. How could you tell from my postings that I actually am a lonely old cat lady? What gave it away? My focus on weapons? The come-hither glances hidden between the lines? My lack of math skills?

You know, the more you stir a bucket of shit the more it stinks. Some stuff we object to just needs to be de-prioritized in order for us to get along. Try it, you'll like it.

Now, what about that Youth Debtors' (sic) Prison? RFPs are going out for the counseling staff and the HB community would be a perfect fit.
-- minoradjustments, Jan 30 2024

I'm gonna start identifying as a sad, lonely old cat lady now that I've found out that xenzag's actually a tall, fit, good looking guy with a great wife and kids and a bangin' social life.

We need a sad lonely cat lady here so I'll try my best.

Um... okay, uhh... Donald Trump... he's orange and I hate him.

Okay, I'm new at this so give me some time here. Jeesh.

As far as the idea goes... uh... it's as good as Donald Trump is orange and bad, wait... I'm not sure how to inject Donald Trump into every comment.

Okay, I'm not very good at this. New respect for xenzag, this ain't easy.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

Good advice but cat analogies only please. I’m now a cat lady and if you thought I was annoying before, hold my free range harvested organic chai tea.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

How about “Don’t be catty.”? Which come to think about it is a weird expression, seems like “catty” should be a compliment, everyone likes cats.

Plus I’m a cat lady now so it would be “Be a good cat lady, don’t be catty… lady.”

“Is this thread dead doctor?”

(Pulling the sheet over its head)

“I’m afraid so.”
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 30 2024

These are my reactions
Firstly: No one can tell anyone here what they cannot post, except the rules of the halfbakery.
Secondly: Annotators should make comments about the content of postings, and not use this place as a platform to attack or insult other posters. Don't like an idea? - then say so, but refrain from attempting to dictate or control in advance that which is posted. Anything you don't like, you can ignore or report to moderators siting your reasons.

As for me being described as a cat owning elderly French female, it was Max who started that and I played along with it. We exchanged many messages outside of this platform and he knew exactly who I was. He was the only person here who owned pieces of my physical art works. Our exchanges on the halfbakery were on a different level and that's how it should be for everyone. .
-- xenzag, Jan 31 2024

Oh lighten up. If you're gonna troll, people are gonna troll back, get over it. If you put insulting posts like “he who’s name cannot be spoken on the HB for fear of upsetting his WORSHIPFUL SUPPORTERS” don't be suprised when somebody insults you in return.


Can you pick a different subject to troll with at least? Sheesh.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 31 2024

I cannot be bullied, so save your efforts.
-- xenzag, Jan 31 2024

Nothing worse than a bullly who starts a fight and then claims victim status when somebody stands up to them.

You're the bully. You're not discussing stances on political controversies, you're just insulting people who don't belong to your mindless cult. And you do it over and over and over and over again. And to try to keep the peace I've often complimented you to try to keep things friendly. How do you respond? With insults, let that sink in. Compliments are met with insults, who's the bully here?

If policies were being brought up for debate that's one thing, but they're not. Discussing your guy, "Three new wars and counting Biden" and his military industrial complex puppeteers might actually be interesting, but it's just insult and cry when somebody insults back. Obediently bark approved hive mind slogans then run when actual discussion of policies is suggested.

Wanna debate policies? Let's go. Wanna just throw insults back and forth? I've suggested we stop that but to no avail so oh well, is what it is.

I leave it as I always have, we can always just start being nicer to each other but whatever. It's the aggressor who determines the tenor of the engagement.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 31 2024

I'm beginning to think that xenzag is Dr. Strangelove and he cannot control one of his hands from time to time. TRUMP SUCKS! Agghhh now it's infecting me too! Bad hand!

I'd love to find out more about the financial education resource mentioned.
-- RayfordSteele, Jan 31 2024

[Rayford] There are a number of these programs with debit cards and family money management functions. Greenlight seems to be highly rated.
-- minoradjustments, Feb 01 2024

//xenzag is Dr. Strangelove// What a compliment!
-- xenzag, Feb 01 2024

Meanwhile, back to the idea.

// only broccoli and escargot are served and you don’t get to use your phone, watch any TV or use any internet //

I think the digital end would prove to be the sole effective punishment as any teen could be cajoled into eating healthily or even swallowing cyanide so long as some digital time hung in the balance.
-- whatrock, Feb 01 2024

[whatrock] That reminded me of how desire overcomes danger: The Chinese have claimed to have made a battery that lasts 50 years without recharging. It uses the half life of a depleted radioactive source and is small enough to power a cell phone. The journo thought that people would balk at the radioactive emissions from the continuous reaction (which really is almost negligible) but the scare factor is huge. I disagreed; anything that will eliminate the hugely onerous task of plugging in the cell phone once a day to maintain its charge will be adopted despite any REAL risk of cancer. We just like convenience and will suffer anything for it.

People didn’t ditch their phones when everyone was sure you’d get brain cancer from holding one near your head. We shrugged that one off and didn’t care if it really could kill you or not. We love these phones and will use them even if they kill us.
-- minoradjustments, Feb 02 2024

random, halfbakery