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Home: Moat
Charnel Pool   (+1, -1)  [vote for, against]
Keeps unwanted swimmers out during vaca

Expanding on [2fries] backyard security method in Chlorexcrement: Wouldn’t a dye that could be reversed when you got back from Fiji work better? A dull brownish semi-transparent red with a foam faux carcass half-submerged and random chunks floating around would work better than a fake turd. Make it look like the remains of a fat raccoon, bloated and redolent, and I dare even the most stalwart turd-diver to submerge. The deluxe kit comes with a Decomposition Fragrance unit to complete the fiction.

Easily reversed and reusable, and the pool is immediately usable when you return if you close your eyes.
-- minoradjustments, Jan 28 2024

Pool Security Chlorexcrement
Keeps some violators away, but not all. [minoradjustments, Jan 28 2024]

Hungry crows land on the carcass, swallow a chunk of foam, choke and die.

I'm not sure whether you would see this as a drawback or an enhancement.
-- pertinax, Jan 29 2024

[pertinax] Anything that involves crows is OK with me. Ravens, too. I think they would cop to the fiction in the pool and laugh, laugh, laugh.
-- minoradjustments, Feb 01 2024

random, halfbakery