Home: Pet: Cat: Entertainment
Cat Aquarium   (+5, -4)  [vote for, against]
A large aquarium adorned with a seemingly drowned cat

A soggy, wet, apparently drowned cat floating lifeless in an aquarium. Filter purring and bubbles casually bubbling. Plastic plants. colorful gravel, etc. Low maintenance (feeding-wise). Can be modified or expanded as: Squirrel Aquarium Chipmunk Aquarium Rat, Skunk... seemingly endless possibilities. But not a Dog Aquarium. That's just gross.
-- gingerbaker, Dec 14 2011


<frantically scribbles new letter to Santa>
-- 8th of 7, Dec 14 2011

//Filter purring// +
-- daseva, Dec 14 2011

This will be bigger than the iPad... Can your company come up with a Dead Cat Lava Lamp? No Matter! Bun! [+]
-- Grogster, Dec 14 2011

make a cat-shaped balloon for //floating// in offices, cars, and other places.

i feel like i'm slowly going insane. [+]
-- sninctown, Dec 14 2011

Welcome to the Halfbakery, [gingerbaker]. You're obviously a complete lunatic, so you'll fit in nicely.

-- Alterother, Dec 14 2011

What [Alterother] said.

-- MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 14 2011

Yes; I believe the traditional simile is 'like a fly to honey', but in this case I think there would be no more apt description than to say they were drawn to this post like Borg to any mention of felicide.
-- Alterother, Dec 14 2011

This might be funny, but really is kind of mean. My own cats get atop the fishtank sometimes and I'm afraid they will fall in and drown.
[Ginger Baker is a great drummer!]
-- xandram, Dec 15 2011

// I'm afraid they will fall in and drown //

Would they "fall" ... or would they be pushed ... ? MUHWHAHHAHAHAAhem.

<cough, cough>


<Hastily conceals prototype cat-immersing stick behind back>

Hmmm ... Schrödinger's Aquarium .... hmmm ...
-- 8th of 7, Dec 15 2011

This reminds me, the other day I saw a sign outside a kennel facility that said " Dog Boarding ".

I explained to my companion that this was a more effective means of extracting information from the uncooperative than plain old waterboarding, although you do have to wet down the dog first for maximum effect.
-- normzone, May 06 2015

random, halfbakery