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Home: Pest Control: Zapper
Bug Zapper Bulbs 2.0   (+2)  [vote for, against]
Convert any bulb socket into a bug zapper

Imagine the threaded metal screw-in portion of an outdoor floodlight bulb made very thin and hollow such that it can be screwed into the socket and then the bulb into it. Leading out are two stiff wires, one attached to the hot contact and the the other to the neutral, both leading to a parallel grid of alternating hot/neutral wires just ahead of the bulb lens.

If an insect were to perch on a single wire of the grid nothing would happen but if it were to bridge the hot and neutral wires it would be zapped and fall to the ground to be utilized as mulch.

This screw-in skeletal device would fit any Edison-style socket and bulb and could be reused even after the bulb itself had burned out.
-- whatrock, May 24 2024

Inspired by: Bug_20Zapper_20Bulbs
[whatrock, May 24 2024]

So... make sure the switch is off when threading in a new bulb is what I'm hearing.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, May 24 2024

Well to some there is a certain thrill to working with live circuitry but yes, it could be turned off.
-- whatrock, May 25 2024

random, halfbakery