Business: Funeral
Bubbles Carry The Departed Off Into The Sunset   (+4)  [vote for, against]
Burial at sea with cremains floated away by beautiful bubbles carried into the wind while sparkling in the sun.

Using surfactants, the surface tension of the mixture is reduced enabling a bubble to form. When air is blown into the soap solution, it gets trapped by the surfactant-laden water film, creating a bubble. The soap molecules align themselves at the air-water interface, with their hydrophobic (water-repelling) tails pointing inward towards the air and their hydrophilic (water-attracting) heads pointing outward towards the water. They'd be filled with warm air and the cremains are incorporated into these, through mixture with the liquid, being contained within the bubble or both.

When the machine that does this is turned on, hundreds of thousands of iridescent bubbles carrying the remains of the loved one are carried off by the breeze, filling the sky and blowing away into the sunset.

I like the idea of little sparkly bubbles, but you could also to massive bubbles as well. The link gives a sort of "soul departing" effect.
-- doctorremulac3, Jun 21 2024

Could do it with big dramatic bubbles.
[doctorremulac3, Jun 21 2024]

Smoke might be an interesting option.
[doctorremulac3, Jun 21 2024]

Having a hard time finding "majestic, beautiful bubble cloud".
[doctorremulac3, Jun 21 2024]

Closest example I could find.
[doctorremulac3, Jun 21 2024]

Making big bubbles https://news.emory....physics-of-bubbles/
With the physicist's bubble solution near the end [a1, Jun 22 2024]

The general idea. https://www.dropbox...46&st=85ksgrkm&dl=0
[doctorremulac3, Jun 22 2024]

Celebration of life balloons
But don't believe the ad copy about being biodegradable [a1, Jun 22 2024]

[+] This is a great idea. I wish I could give it two buns, one for basic concept and another as it got me to go look up some stuff about interaction of soap films and particulate matter.

Dust can be the enemy of soap bubbles - if it's on the outside. Will cause the soap film to tear. But on inside, if you don't overdo it? Much cooler looking, iridescent effects where the particles interact with the soap film.
-- a1, Jun 22 2024

(quietly, and it won't hurt my feelings if you delete this off topic bit, none of my bizness, etc.) I've noticed a few ideas from you lately dealing with cremains. Hope everything is well with you and your family.
-- a1, Jun 22 2024

Had some loved ones cross the rainbow bridge. It’s part of life. Thank you for asking.
-- doctorremulac3, Jun 22 2024

(+) but do you really want the chance of somebody's grandma's surfactants accidentally splattering on your face?
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jun 22 2024

//while sparkling in the sun// More likely while popping from the driving rain
-- pocmloc, Jun 22 2024

Well, you do it on a sunny day and be standing up wind.

But you could also be standing on the shore while a boat released the loved one as they floated away.

Just has a kind of a symbolic thing that I thought was pretty, like their soul ascending or something. Whatever your believes, having something pretty like that to symbolize their leaving the Earth, which we all can agree they did, is kind of I don't know. Not sure why I like this. It's a goodbye moment made kind of pretty I guess.
-- doctorremulac3, Jun 22 2024

I keep thinking of "Bubbles" as someone's name.

The phrase "psychedelic psychopomp" springs to mind.
-- pertinax, Jun 22 2024

Acetylene filled bubbles?
-- xenzag, Jun 22 2024

// ... standing up wind //

For big dramatic bubbles to last, you need very little wind. Don Ho's tiny bubbles are less vulnerable to wind shear, so you might need a cloud of littles instead of a few bigs.
-- a1, Jun 22 2024

Yea, filling them with warm air or gas would make it easier to get the desired effect, whether big or small. Helium would be my first guess.
-- doctorremulac3, Jun 22 2024

Anybody ever just used a bunch helium balloons? They’d have to be biodegradable. Do they have environmentally friendly balloons that biodegrade quickly?

Naa, balloons are more of a celebration thing.
-- doctorremulac3, Jun 22 2024

// Naa, balloons are more of a celebration thing //

So are bubbles. For that matter, so are wakes. I think you're safe on with this one.

Except ... no, I don't think there are really good biodegradable balloons. Pure latex will break down eventually, but most "latex" balloons sold today have additives that won't. Before latex, animal bladders were used for balloons. Those are biodegradable too, but may annoy environmentalists for other reasons.

Amusingly, the history of materials for helium balloons followed a similar path as condoms. But I don't think metallized mylar condoms would ever catch on.

And, as free association kicks in - a balloon release may be the best celebration of a life that started from a broken condom.
-- a1, Jun 22 2024

Ahh, the circle of life.
-- doctorremulac3, Jun 22 2024

random, halfbakery