Integrating a 6-axis motion detector within the boxing gloves of boxers will allow live stats about speed and hit strength, average HPM, etc. This will allow for a more technical sport, which will also allow trainers to train better from better performance tracking.-- twitch, Mar 30 2010 You would probably have to install this on the inside of a boxing glove, placed on the back of the boxers' hands, just above the wrist, so the device couldn't be used to augment a blow.
You could also probably add contact sensors (similar to those used in fencing) and boxing glove motion tracking via cameras (possibly via an overhead shot).-- Aristotle, Mar 31 2010 Kind of like F1 boxing? Surprised they don't to this anyway, what with the stumpcam and all.
[+]-- wagster, Mar 31 2010 random, halfbakery