Groups of gymnasts, cheerleaders and acrobats could be rented out as quick-assembled human scaffolding.
One could climb to the top of a living pyramid to be able to paint that last hard to reach spot on the gable, and Junior could be pulled up onto the highest shoulders of a people tower to retrieve that absconded model airplane in the elm.-- FarmerJohn, May 23 2005 This sounds like some kind of performance art or a social experiment. I'd love to see that in a crowded city, maybe have a bunch of well-disguised business men and women suddenly form a human pyramid to retrieve a kite from a streetlight.-- AfroAssault, May 23 2005 Life falls short in so many ways; lost planes and missed spots just affirm our subject status.-- reensure, May 23 2005 [+] for whimsey.-- Soterios, May 23 2005 Top of my list, Farmer John.-- Basepair, May 23 2005 random, halfbakery