Put handsfree bluetooth systems in earrings. It's already on your ear like a normal hands free. Why have two things on your ear?-- EdwinBakery, Sep 21 2010 bluetooth necklaces http://www.luxist.c...-bluetooth-jewelry/ [xandram, Sep 21 2010] baked, bluetooth -earrings, noserings, tongue rings! http://www.omezmedi...k/productsBody.html [xandram, Sep 21 2010] If you made it a sound amplifier for the deaf, would it be an Earring Aid ?-- 8th of 7, Sep 21 2010 You could wear the transmitter part of the telephone in a ring through your nose. Functional social dysfunction insignia.-- infidel, Sep 21 2010 [+] Because Q gave no reason for his bone. Well, that, and because it's at least halfbaked, meeting our minimum requirements quite nicely.-- Boomershine, Sep 21 2010 Nothing wrong with that [21], as long as you don't talk about Fight Club ...-- 8th of 7, Sep 21 2010 Baked anyway [see link]-- xandram, Sep 21 2010 I'll give a reason for a negative vote.
I'm old. That's why.
If I see emeralds hanging from my wife's ear, I'm much more inclined to be proud of that than a phone masquerading as a ruby.-- Zimmy, Sep 23 2010 random, halfbakery