With all the development going on in bio-engineering this should be possible. Bacteria have always been the Tony Sopranos ( ie waste-managers) of planet earth.
Now we give them their job back. Goodbey soap, hello bacteria.
No more sponges and scrubbing, just put the plates in the sink pour in some B3 (BioBacteriaBishcleaner).
A commercial would go something like:
you hate wasting time scrubbing plates?, you don't want to put evil soap in nature? Let nature take over! B3 ... Be free!-- mikrofoon, Jul 18 2010 Do they scrub the waste out of intestines, too? Better put a neat little 'am i on a dish or halfway down someone's pooper' checker program in there. That is, you don't want to mess with those internal waste/bacteria balances. Unless you do. Maybe you do. Like a diet pill. Clean your dishes and your fat ass all in one!-- daseva, Jul 18 2010 "I see dead people"-- 8th of 7, Jul 18 2010 I see dishwashers running a week-long programme.-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 18 2010 You don't need bioengineering for this: just leave the dishes alone and the bacteria will beat a path to your sink.-- mouseposture, Jul 18 2010 As an alternative to bacteria: you could also bio engineer a dog-like animal that licks all your dishes clean. Ofcourse this animal should be autocleaning it's tongue somehow now and then..-- mikrofoon, Jul 19 2010 Slightly disappointed this isn't a new shower gel specifically designed for my armpits...-- Jinbish, Jul 19 2010 random, halfbakery