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Product: Robot: Domestic
Beach Art Roomba   (+2)  [vote for, against]
Solar powered Roomba slowly draws temporary line art masterpieces on the beach.

Solar powered, uses triangulation location of either GPS or local WIFI systems to know where it is. Moves very slowly and obviously avoids people on the beach with visual and other sensors, even incorporating the path around the beachgoers into the art piece.

Saw a gal making beautiful art on the beach the other day by shuffling her feet, thought it would be cool to know your beach would always have a different work of art being created at all times, at least on one portion of it.

Could also make it pick up garbage and deposit in in a sealed portion of a continual garbage bag. Kids would probably follow it around hoping the be the ones to take the bags to the garbage cans.

So the garbage pickup thing could be a bonus, but mainly you'd have beautiful art that was constantly changing.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024

Like this https://www.pintere...271693789995546257/
[doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024]

Advanced models might even do stuff like this. https://www.pintere...254312710201902880/
[doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024]

Maybe this one day https://www.pintere...140737557097855131/
[doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024]

Then this the next https://www.pintere...214061788538389391/
[doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024]

Oooh, this one's pretty. https://hakaimagazi...e-short/lines-sand/
[doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024]

Okay, the individual ideas have been baked, has there been an art/cleanup combination robot?

And thank you for doing that search for me, appreciate it.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024

Then it IS a new idea. (rattles bun beggar's cup)
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024

Don't care if it's somewhat baked, I'm bunning it anyway.
-- RayfordSteele, Jul 03 2024

Thank you Ray.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024

random, halfbakery