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Computer: Desktop: Icons
B-36 Control Panel Desktop Icons   (+3)  [vote for, against]
Desktop graphic of an animated B-36 control panel allows you to customize what their readings indicate.

The ballistics control panel is the "Things to do this week", the turbocharger temp dial is the "Bills due today" indicator. The "BAIL OUT" alarm shows you're due to take a break and do some deep breathing exercises.

All the busy work of your life indicated in real time in the form of this magnificent display.

I'm sorry I just think these things are beautiful.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024

This is your desktop. https://aahs.getarc...edia/b-36-cockpit-1
[doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024]

Can I get some period appropriate munitions with it? (+) Or perhaps just guns, guns are simpler.
-- normzone, Jul 04 2024

Sure, it's totally customizable. I'd check local restrictions regarding explosive devices over a certain size though.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 04 2024

random, halfbakery