Have you ever woken at 07:45, realized you had to be out the door at 08:00, and wondered with a feeling of disquiet which steps of your morning routine would have to be elided?
Wonder no more.
The AMFI is a metric, tailored to your individual preferences, that assigns each day-preparation procedure an ordered pair whose elements are (freshness increment, time required).
Freshness units are defined however you choose; I prefer to think of them as a quantification of the degree to which I resemble an actor in a Mentos commercial when I arrive at work.
MakeAndDrinkCoffee -> (+50, 15.0 min)ClipToenails -> (+10, 5.0 min)Shave -> (+25, 15.0 min)
Of course, certain steps are mutually exclusive or redundant with respect to others; one could capture this by entering, say,
Shower -> (+45, 20.0 min, Obviates(WashFace, MoistenHair))
The FI numbers are designed to be used as constraints for a linear-programming "Morning Solver" package (or perhaps as a fitness metric for a genetic algorithm-based variant). When you leave the house, you'll know: You did everything you could.-- HP LoveJet, Mar 16 2004 Greedy solver http://spookytoes.net/fi-solver.pl.txt [egads, Oct 17 2004] I would start off with negative points, I think; and not allow myself to leave the house until I'd broken zero.-- Detly, Mar 16 2004 You will need some negative units, eg -15 for [Toadinnov]'s first step.
How do you measure where you start from? Falling into bed at 4am after a big night out you will be a lot seedier than someone who has had a shower before bed and has a cat that grooms them in their sleep.-- Lacus Trasumenus, Mar 17 2004 Well-groomed. I wouldn't elide a single word.-- FarmerJohn, Mar 17 2004 EnterDetailsIntoFreshnessThing -> (+5, 20 mins)
(BTW [LT] How can shagging get a minus from *anyone*?)
I would have found this useful this morning, in fact. Woke up v.v.v. late (again). For me, though, all I have to do is observe my fella intently for a minute or so and then work out what I have time to do given his rate of movement or non-movement. I've got it down to a fine art now so am ready and waiting to go as he finishes his second essential coffee. I often have time to shower, dress, go to the bakers, have breakfast , do washing, varnish front door etc. etc. Luckily, the company we work for are pretty relaxed about time keeping.-- squeak, Mar 17 2004 //Have you ever woken at 07:45, realized you had to be out the door at 08:00...//
...every day.-- yabba do yabba dabba, Mar 17 2004 Woke up, got out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head. Made my way downstairs and drank a cup And looking up, I noticed I was late... (The Beatles, A Day in the Life).-- DrBob, Mar 17 2004 Why not keep a cumulative FI by introducing another variable that determines the rate of deterioration of the effects of a particular action? For example, a shower would be (+48, 20.0, -2/hr). Working out at the gym would be (-48, 90.0, 0/hr). Every activity either contributes or detracts from your FI, and over time your FI would gradually move towards zero.-- cocktaillouie, Mar 17 2004 I conjecture that AI search techniques aren't necessary in order to solve this system of constraints. I think a greedy algorithm will do: sort the items in descending order by ratio of benefit to cost, then go through the list in order, taking each item that is still within total-cost budget. See [link] for source code to test this hypothesis. Not particularly sure how I'd prove that this works in all cases.
Nice idea, btw :)-- egads, Mar 17 2004 [squeak] only from the perspective that shagging would not be increasing your freshness ;)-- Lacus Trasumenus, Mar 17 2004 [egads]! I tip my hat (DonHat -> (+5, 0.1 min)) to you. Watch out, world: the maximally fresh HP LoveJet appears tomorrow.-- HP LoveJet, Mar 17 2004 Scub body with damp bath puff and towel dry (+25, 3 minutes) Great idea for the obligates among us!-- dpsyplc, Mar 17 2004 random, halfbakery