Sport: Tennis
Amplified Speed Super Fast Tennis Ball   (0)  [vote for, against]
Senses the hit angle, then amplifies it with an array of solenoids.

Hit the ball at angle X, the solenoid extends the ball lightning fast in that direction pushing the ball very quickly in the direction opposite X.

Obviously you'd need the tennis rackets to be much much heavier so the ball had some mass to push against, but you could get the balls to travel dangerously faster.

Tennis as a blood sport, the most dangerous sport since gladiator days. People might actually watch it.

Applicable to baseball, soccer, even ping pong. Volleyball you'd need iron gloves though.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 11 2024

The Most Dangerous Sports

//the most dangerous sport since gladiator days//
Inspired by this comment, I went & had a look for some stats (as you do). I found the above article which provides a list of the most dangerous sports, including (rather helpfully) some stats & a breakdown of injury types. It also makes quite a good read. [DrBob, Jul 13 2024]


What is the contact time of the ball against the racket, what is the actuation time of a sensor-processor-solenoid setup?

Could be built into the racket instead, could be some kind of geared leverage system purely mechanical
-- pocmloc, Jul 13 2024

Darn it! I had thought of that and was going to put that up instead today.

Yes, the racket based system would be much more practical. You have motors that loosen the tighten the netting launching the ball. You have more room in the racket.

Ugh! You got me on that one, good call poc.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 13 2024

That’s your idea now poc, you should put it up. I’ll bun it with a tear in my eye.

Hmm, gives me an idea though.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 13 2024

Cool link doc!
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 13 2024

random, halfbakery