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660 Volt Beaded Curtain   (+5)  [vote for, against]
electrified beaded curtains

660 Volt Beaded Curtain provides easy access for all (when it's in the off position)

You can allow the wind to blow through it and come and go as you please, parting its beaded strands easily with a flick of the wrist, but once switched on, it becomes a deadly barrier to man and beast alike.

A deadly hum is emitted along with the occasional spark of electricity. Its range of graphically dire warning signs depicting the foolhardy being fried into burnt toast serve to deter all those who otherwise risk passing through the deadly hanging strands when the current is on.
-- xenzag, Jul 13 2022

Killed by 9V https://darwinaward.../darwin1999-50.html
[AusCan531, Jul 18 2022]


Extra credit for making the header panel look like a Portuguese man o' war.
-- whatrock, Jul 13 2022

Crank it up to 2000 volts, and you could do fractal wood burning on the floor.
-- Loris, Jul 13 2022

Clever. For added effect you could have Jacob's ladders going up and down. You'd have to have it wired differently than the standard Jacob's ladder but it could be done.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 13 2022

Well sure it's pretty and all... but is it current?
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jul 13 2022

? Why does the line spacing look so different on an iPhone or iPad to that of its appearance on a laptop? If I try to correct it on iPhone, it makes it even worse.
-- xenzag, Jul 13 2022

I don't really get it. I used to regularly take 110 volt current tiling kitchen back-splashes. I even took 220 volt one time backing into dryer wires, hanging out of a wall without marettes so I assumed they weren't live, while spreading linoleum glue holding a metal spreader to the wet glue.

I had to fling myself bodily into the glue puddle to disconnect and if the homeowner had been present when I did so I might be in prison to this day I was just that angry.

...but I didn't die from these things. Can so little current really kill people?
Fascinating. I thought it was only Amperage which killed and that humans can take thousands of volts without harm.

...not sure where I got that concept from.

I routinely wire stuff around here without shutting off the breakers. True story. When I built a 1500 ft addition on our last home I traded tile work for electrical rough-in. My buddy showed me how to hook up the first three way switch and said he'd show back up after I installed the 'everything' and flip the switch back on.
I told him to leave it live so that I already knew they worked before I had to call him and did all of it live.

I got shocked a couple of times but in my experience... 110 volt is the equivalent of a morning coffee without the bowel movement.

Honestly... I don't get it. 110 volts is just a wake up call.

-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jul 14 2022

Swear on me mum. I've taken 110 volts so many times I lost count years ago.

No, really.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jul 14 2022

I swear it on my eye sight.
I don't much like the idea, but I can show you if that's what it takes.

Where did you get 660 volts from?
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jul 14 2022

I didn't find any stats on electrocutions from 110 or 220V. I think those are actually fairly rare, but it can happen, and there are other potential injuries and damage that make it worthwhile to turn off the breaker first. According to Wikipedia, 2700V is "often" fatal (which I would interpret as still less than 50%) and 11,000 is "usually" fatal. Apparently there has been one documented case of someone being electrocuted with 42V, though that is generally considered safe.

So [2 fries] I'd say your experience is normal in this regard. I've been bitten by 110 a couple times, and I agree it's not that bad, but I still turn the power off when fixing outlets. I suspect most injuries when shocked by 110 or 220 are cause not by the electricity, but by some other means when a person jerks away without thinking (or get's ahold of the guy who left the breaker on :)
-- scad mientist, Jul 14 2022

I have had a few 240 volt 13 amp shocks and can verify they are to be avoided. 110 volts is for powering toy train sets.
-- xenzag, Jul 14 2022

What happens when the wind blows strong enough to short the curtains to the wall?
-- RayfordSteele, Jul 14 2022

It occurred to me that since I mentioned it here, people might investigate, so I really ought to point out that fractal wood burning is quite dangerous and you probably shouldn't try it - even if you think you know what you're doing.
-- Loris, Jul 14 2022

// What happens when the wind blows strong enough to short the curtains to the wall? //

Be kinda cool to have every other curtain streamer at ground potential, so that when the wind does blow it makes pretty little sparks. It would need some sort of electronical doodad in the circuit to keep the power live even in the occurrence of a few sparks.
-- whatrock, Jul 14 2022

//short the curtains to the wall?// Insulated walls. Heavy beads will also ensure there is minimal wind movement. The wind will simply pass through, but it's inadvisable to follow when curtains are "on".
-- xenzag, Jul 14 2022

Under a very specific set of circumstances, even 9V can kill. [link]
-- AusCan531, Jul 18 2022

[whatrock] the live streamers could be connected with a series resistor to limit the current, although that would also be less of a deterrent. A set of experiments could be devised to select the resistor value...
-- xrayTed, Aug 02 2022

//I didn't find any stats on electrocutions from 110 or 220V. I think those are actually fairly rare, but it can happen,//

It's all VERY dependent on the conditions. As is WHY the electricity is lethal. The most direct and simplest way to die from electrical shocks is to get a few mA of 50-60Hz across the heart. 50-60Hz is an unfortunate choice of frequency for mains electricity because that's something of a sweet spot for stopping the heart, it's slow enough that the heart electrical system can interact with it, but way to fast for the muscle to keep up.

How you get those mA across the heart is important, you'll see electricians probing panels with one hand lookin lazy with their other hand in (usually the back) their pocket. This is because if they touch something live, the electricity has a route in through the hand. It needs a route out to flow, if they were holding a rail/the metal enclosure with their other hand, they're in trouble at relatively low and frequently encountered voltages. Dry skin helps, gloves help etc.

Now if they were standing in salty water, then the electricity can go in through the hand and out through the legs, but mostly it isn't going through the heart and the mechanism isn't so specific, instead you're cooked by large currents.
-- bs0u0155, Aug 02 2022

random, halfbakery