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Sport: Tennis
480 Volt Lightning Bolt Tennis Racket   (+2)  [vote for, against]
Enough with the stupid tennis racket ideas already!

Lightweight metallic ball hits the conductive wires making up the racket net which is connected by cable to the high voltage power source. Ball closes the circuit and the spark flash shoots the ball like a bullet.

480 might be a bit much, you'd have to wear a protective suit. Plus have to put some thought into everything not melting.

Be pretty though. Would look like the gods playing tennis.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 17 2024 [pocmloc, Jul 19 2024]

Just what I need for those damn raccoons. Thanks [doc]!
-- whatrock, Jul 18 2024

Glad to help.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 18 2024

//damn raccoons//

Yes; the poor things really struggle to return the ball with ordinary rackets.
-- pertinax, Jul 18 2024

This could really help them up their score.
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 18 2024

I thought of a modification to this to up the crazy...
Maybe as table tennis to reduce the distances; one racket/bat is the +ve, the other is the -ve. Ramp the voltage up to get a continuous discharge between the 2. The arc should (I think...) follow the metal(covered) ball as it would create a "path of least resistance" starting from the hit (let it trail a fine wire if it needs to).
-- neutrinos_shadow, Jul 24 2024

Up the crazy? I'm all about it!
-- doctorremulac3, Jul 24 2024

random, halfbakery