Fashion: Fingernail
3D Nail Art   (+3, -1)  [vote for, against]
Miniature Terminal Phalangeal Masterpieces

Holding very still, I watch in rapt fascination as the LASER ablation head moves rapidly over my left index finger. A warm sensation for a few seconds then the head moves away.

Another head swings into place with a soft sigh and applies a fine spray of colour and varnish at approvimately 1200dpi before drying and hardening it with a short burst of UV light.

I can now take a look at my fingernail... a perfect miniature of Fallingwater in 3 dimensions, complete with fall colours and tiny reflective glints from the windows and waterfall.
-- UnaBubba, Apr 11 2012

Let's take it a little deeper... Vanity_20in_20Vein
[normzone, Apr 11 2012]

That's a relief.
-- baconbrain, Apr 11 2012

Bas, humbug!
-- UnaBubba, Apr 12 2012

Just thought of this one and went to post it. Search revealed it was already here. As you were.
-- UnaBubba, Feb 15 2013

random, halfbakery