We all know that in order to fix the problem, most likely we
have to restart the computer, delete the cookies and reinstall
the app.
But when we want to know WHY we get that message and
removing the chache causes me to be able to finally see that
website that cannot be reached, google
doesn't help nor does
stack exchange.
It seems everybody takes it for granted that we only want to
things done, without understanding what the underlying
So your laptop got a a virus. Just use antivirus to get rid of it.
So the dishwasher is showing that it needs salt. Just put the
in and go on with life.
But sometimes I want to know HOW that faucet with one
mixes the hot and cold water together, not just to get it
And I don't want a general site like quora, I want to know that
people are focused on explaining it clearly.
Same goes for solving math. Most simple math homework
questions on quora are how to solve (x+sqrt(3)) (x-sqrt(3)) for
the value of 4. But I want to answer questions like WHY is
answer 1, not just how I calculated it.
So next time I get that question: solve (x+sqrt(3)) (x-sqrt(3))
the value of 4 I want to know that the person asking is not
just waiting to submit the result to their teacher for
homework but
will actually appreciate my explanation.
I'll first explain what an irrational number is and when and
who discovered that the square root of 3 is irrational.
I'll know that whoever asked that question, after learning that
it is in the form of (a+b)(a-b) will want to understand why
(a+b)(a-b) = a^2-b^2. I want to look at c(a+b) = ca + cb, and
explain that with rows on a chockolate bar.
In order to answer "Solve (x+sqrt(3)) (x-sqrt(3)) for
the value of 4", I want to explain what the definition of
square root is.
And I want to do that on a website where people are asking
for these explanations.