Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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"Bun is such a sad word, is it not?" -- Watt, "Waiting for Godot"

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 (+11, -1)(+11, -1)  Freelance Bureaucrat  Service: Personal  Dec 02 09 
 cheaper than a lawyer (but more irritating) 
 (+8, -1)  Ice Floe Vacation  Vacation  Nov 03 09 
 for people who "don't believe in global warming" 
 (+6)  Item Display by Country of Manufacture  Shopping  Aug 20 10 
 because there's so many choices. 
 (+30)(+30)(+30)  Paper Airplane Dispenser  Vending Machine  Feb 07 09 
 for when the paperclip gun just isn't enough 
 (+4, -2)  Seasonal Orbital Advertising Plan  Advertising: Media: Sky  Sep 10 09 
 It's that time of year again... 
 (+4, -1)  Streaming Commercials Website  Advertising: Sponsorship  Mar 27 10 
 clear your conscience 
 (+9, -1)(+9, -1)  Thermonuclear Roulette  Casino  Oct 31 11 
 "This Way To The Egress" 


 (+15, -1)(+15, -1)  MMORPG ScreenSaver  Screensaver  Nov 01 08 
 My computer can beat up your computer... 


 (+13, -1)(+13, -1)  Apathy Parade  Celebration: Festival  Jan 07 10 
 celebrating a lack of cultural bias 
 (+12, -1)(+12, -1)  Feng Shui: The Board Game  Game: Territorial Strategy  Mar 23 09 
 (+9, -1)(+9, -1)  Heavy Metal Chess Set  Game: Chess: Material  Oct 06 08 
 (+19, -1)(+19, -1)  "Sounds of the Jungle" Sex-Noise Masking Device  Sex: Quality  Nov 20 09 
 need I say more ? 
 (+6)  The Town Square: an e-Canvas Painting  Art: Movement  May 30 10 
 Dorian Greyscale 


 (+18, -1)(+18, -1)  Butterfly Bow Tie  Tie  May 09 08 
 (+11, -1)(+11, -1)  Combover Toupee  Wig  Sep 17 10 
 A tonsorial accessory that can be dyed, sized and applied with minimum fuss or funding. 
 (+5, -1)  Reversible Tinfoil Hat  Hat  Jun 09 08 
 the "little black dress" of mind-control fashion 


 (+13, -1)(+13, -1)  Fish Mixer  Preparation  Sep 20 09 
 Autonomous Rechargeable Electric Stirrers 
 (+12, -1)(+12, -1)  Milkshake Drilling Platform  Drink: Milk  Sep 22 09 
 seriously: are McDonald's milkshakes non-Newtonian fluids ? 
 (+4, -1)  Soupfly Bowl  Soup  Sep 03 11 
 Waiter ! there's a . . . 


 (+8, -1)  Desiccant Beads Hand Dryer  Bathroom: Dryer  Jun 08 10 
 (+12, -3)(+12, -3)  Home Defense Immobilising Airbags  Security  May 09 08 
 Patrick McGoohan would love this... well, maybe not 
 (+18)(+18)  Home Thunderstorm Simulator  Setting  Nov 02 09 
 "Okay, I'd rather be inside." 
 (+4, -2)  Portable Cat Door  Pet: Cat  Jul 02 08 
 but you were just out !!!! 


 (+4, -3)  A Rat's Ass  Prank  Dec 28 10 
 for those special moments 
 (+6)  Butterfly Knife, Fork & Spoon  Cutlery  Feb 19 12 
 for the Ninja who has everything. 
 (+11)(+11)  Clockwatchers' Clock  Clock: Subjective Time  Aug 01 09 
 That'll learn them. 
 (+12, -1)(+12, -1)  Duck Feather Brolly  Umbrella  Apr 26 12 
 (+4)  Egocentric Clock  Clock  Aug 30 09 
 the world revolves around it. 
 (+1)  Fake Dogpoop Landmine  Weapon: Landmine  Aug 17 09 
 "sure glad we didn't step in it" 
 (+11)(+11)  Harmonica Dentures  Musical Instrument  Jul 24 12 
 Bluestooth device 
 (+15)(+15)  MacGyver™  Game  Mar 23 10 
 "If you don't have the right equipment for the job, you just have to make it yourself" 
 (+16)(+16)  Master Craftsman Slinkys  Toy: Slinky  Jun 02 10 
 for the Slinkiter who has everything 
 (+13)(+13)  "Nuke" Recharging of Portable Devices  Power Source  Jan 07 11 
 Battery Low ? Pop it in the microwave and set to "Cellphone" 
 (+8)(+8)  Parking Balloon  Remote: Locator  Mar 03 09 
 vehicle locator 
   Scented Bubble-Wrap  Packaging: Bubble Wrap  Jul 21 11 
 lavender, butterscotch, fresh laundry, 
 (+12)(+12)  Snowforts for Everyone  Snow: Clearing  Feb 07 10 
 impenetrable walls of snow. . . not just for driveways anymore 
 (+17)(+17)  Supercapacitor Cordless Screwdriver  Tool  Jun 02 11 
 for the home fixiter. 
 (+19)(+19)  "The Flying Dutchman"  Toy: Scale Model  Jun 09 11 
 A floats-in-the-air ship-in-a-bottle. 
 (+4, -2)  Tribblephone  Cell Phone  Apr 18 09 
 (+6)  Umbrella Xmas Tree  Christmas Decoration  Dec 18 09 


 (+18, -1)(+18, -1)  Aquaballoon: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Solution  Disaster: Oil  May 10 10 
 Use robust balloons to carry the oil up from the seabed; for normal use as well as emergencies. 
 (+9)(+9)  Certificate of Ignorance  Education: Certificate  Dec 01 10 
 This certifies that <place name here> is a bloody idiot when it comes to <subject matter> 
 (+9)(+9)  Netherislands  City: Arcology  May 20 12 
 floating valleys 
 (+9)(+9)  Old-Tennies Street-Lights  Street Lighting  Oct 03 09 
 utilities chic. 
 (+13, -4)(+13, -4)  Tundra Treeline  Global Warming  Dec 10 07 
 Use global warming to stop global warming. 


 (-8)(-8)  Brown-Note Assistance  Health: Defecation  May 01 08 
 moving right along... 
 (+10)(+10)  Coastal City Wastewater Relocation  Terraforming: Water  Dec 27 10 
 Send processed effluent inland where it's needed, instead of into the ocean where it isn't. 
 (-4)  Directional Fart Detector  Health: Flatulence: Smell  Mar 28 10 
 aha ! 
 (+7)  Gilligan's Orbital Island  Space: Satellite  Jan 04 11 
 Space Bamboo 
 (+9, -1)(+9, -1)  Lunar Biometrics  Health: Stress Relief  Sep 30 08 
 Fingerprints ?, retinal scans ?, cranial patterns ? umm... nope. 
 (+45, -3)(+45, -3)(+45, -3)  Moon Watch  Time  Mar 10 09 
 When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, it's about half ten 
 (+16, -1)(+16, -1)  Solar Desalination Aquaduct  Terraforming: Water  Sep 28 10 
 From seaside to destination, distilled enroute. 
 (+9, -1)(+9, -1)  Wind Turban  Energy: Wind  Jun 04 08 
 heads up power. 


 (+8, -4)  Abdominal Snowman  Exercise: Incentive  Oct 25 09 
 Yeti based exercise plan 


 (+6, -1)  Light Aircraft Trailer  Aircraft: Glider  May 10 08 
 hitch _that_ to the back of your Cessna. 
 (+4)  Madder Horn  Car: Horn  Sep 18 09 
 you call _that_ a honk ? 
 (+9)(+9)  Mono-Hybrid  Car: Engine: Rotary  Aug 01 11 
 switches between operating as a low-rpm internal combustion engine and a regenerative-storage high-rpm flywheel. 
 (+10, -1)(+10, -1)  "Prayer Wheel" Vacuum Blimp  Aircraft: Airship: Filling  Jan 03 11 
 An evacuated LTA design which - rather uniquely - uses all construction materials under tension. 
 (+12)(+12)  Slitherway  Road  Apr 27 12 
 complementing gigantic, steam-driven mechanical snakes for transportation. 
 (+7)  Spinnaker's Dream  Boat: Sailboat  Mar 05 09 
 You call that a spinnaker ? This, THIS is a spinnaker ! 

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