Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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(+25, -1)(+25, -1)(+25, -1)  3

 Gleam in Your Smile  Fashion: Tooth  Oct 23 02 
 CPU Mounted Lava Lamp  Computer: Cooling  Oct 16 02 
 AOL CDs for the Good of Mankind  Business: Advertising: Media  Oct 19 02 

(+19)(+19)  4

 Audiobooks for Parents and Toddlers  Product: Book: Accessory  Jul 19 05 
 Time-sensitive 3D shading  Computer: Desktop: 3D  Oct 20 02 
 Smart Aleck Cash Registers  Business: Supermarket: Cash Register  Oct 12 02 
 My Personal CapCom  Business: Service: Personal: Advice  Oct 21 02 

(+12)(+12)  4

 Misdirection Adapter Card  Computer: Periphery  Apr 28 07 
 Mute Program  Computer: Audio  Dec 19 03 
 Faux TV Crew  Business: Service: Personal  Sep 20 03 
 HazMat Bingo  Culture: Game: Bingo  Jan 22 03 

(+7)  2

 To Serve Geeks  Culture: Television: Food  Jan 27 04 
 Digi-Cheers®  Business: Bar  Oct 15 02 

(+4)  38

 Aerial View HUD  Vehicle: Airplane: View  Nov 01 02 
 Kung Fu Swisher  Product: Audio: Personal  Apr 17 04 
 Closed Captions for Yanks  Culture: Subtitles  Jul 13 04 
 Erodothedral  Culture: Art: Landscape  Oct 30 02 
 GMail vs. Porn Spam  Computer: Email: Spam: Response  Aug 28 04 
 Pair Them Up  Public: Homeless: Gifts  Jan 19 03 
 RFID Privacy Jammer  Product: RFID Tag  Mar 07 03 
 Route By Example  Vehicle: Car: Navigation  Jul 14 04 
 Skyline Scanner  Science: Astronomy  Dec 21 03 
 Audiophile Hearing Test  Product: Audio  Dec 06 03 
 Customizable Travel Guide  Culture: Book: Reference  Feb 10 04 
 Drip Diagnosis Dropcloth  Vehicle: Car: Fluid  Feb 14 04 
 Extension Extender  Product: Cell Phone: Address Book  Aug 28 04 
 Flush Override on Automatic Toilets  Science: Health: Public Bathroom  Jan 18 04 
 Furniture “Mud Flaps”  Home: Furniture  Feb 22 04 
 Liar’s 8 Ball  Product: Toy: 8 Ball  May 10 03 
 Link Rover  Computer: Web: Linking  Oct 12 03 
 Mad Bureaucrat  Culture: Supervillain  Nov 16 03 
 Micro-Coverage Maps  Business: Cell Phone Network  Jul 15 04 
 NerfBot  Product: Robot: Assistant  Jan 28 03 
 Put MLK on the $20  Public: Currency: Bank Note: Picture  Jan 20 03 
 The McFurlong  Science: Unit of Measurement  Mar 13 03 
 Audio-in-Audio (AIA)  Product: Audio  Feb 29 04 
 Auto-Resize Window Based on URL  Computer: Browsing: Bookmark  Sep 20 03 
 Bluetooth Home  Home: Electricity  Jul 20 04 
 Body Chalking  Public: Communication: Visual  Oct 28 02 
 HDTV Dropout Protection  Product: Television: Picture  Jan 18 04 
 Hockey Hit Metrics  Sport: Hockey  Feb 29 04 
 Low Concept Film Ratings  Culture: Movie: Quality  Oct 28 02 
 Onscreen Movie Budget  Product: DVD: Information  Jun 02 03 
 Please Beam Your Password Now  Computer: Security: Authentication  May 11 04 
 Santayana Historical Reenactment Society  Culture: Reenactment  Nov 04 02 
 Seg-ouija  Product: Toy: Adult  Dec 23 02 
 Toddler TiVo  Product: Remote: User  Feb 28 04 
 Traffic Camera Vanity Videos  Vehicle: Car: Vision  Jan 18 04 
 TV Urgent Bit  Culture: Television: Filter  Jul 29 04 
 Vacu-Lint  Home: Laundry: Lint  May 11 04 
 Wardriving ECM  Computer: Network: Wireless  Dec 22 03 


 Auto Spidey Sense  Vehicle: Car: Accident  Nov 19 02 
 Car Chargeable Battery Pack  Product: Battery: Charging  Dec 26 03 
 Car Clutter-Be-Gone  Vehicle: Car: Cleaning  Jan 19 03 
 Curriculum Googlae  Culture: Game: Searching  Oct 01 03 
 Dashboard Photos  Vehicle: Car: Navigation  Mar 03 04 
 Decibelizer  Product: Noise Canceling  Jan 22 04 
 Faux Muscle Cars  Vehicle: Car: Style  Nov 08 02 
 Flotsam Photomosaics  Culture: Art  Dec 22 02 
 IR Remote Power Strip  Home: Electricity: Power Outlet  Sep 20 03 
 RetroPod  Product: Audio: Digital Player  May 25 03 
 Shorten Profile Page Links  Halfbakery: Links  Dec 12 03 
 Stealth Video Fireplace  Home: Fireplace  Dec 03 02 
 Sudocrypto  Computer: Crypto  May 02 07 
 The Analyst’s Analyst  Business: Information service  Mar 03 04 
 Thermochromic Road Signs  Vehicle: Road: Sign  Jul 16 04 
 Tow-Through  Business: Drive-Through  Jul 12 04 
 Travel Oracle  Computer: Research Service  Oct 14 03 
 Ultra Local Phone Numbers  Public: Communication: Telephone: Number  Nov 20 03 
 Vocabuladex  Computer: Web: Searching  Apr 26 03 
 Were They A Couple?  Culture: Movie  Sep 05 03 
 Whose Note Is It Anyway?  Culture: Television: Music Show  Dec 01 02 

(+3, -4)  2

 Convert annotations to links automatically  Halfbakery: Links  Oct 24 02 
 Ultimate Corporate Firewall  Computer: Security: Firewall  Nov 16 02 


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