Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Quis custodiet the custard?

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 (+6)  Trusted person ring bypass  Product: Phone: Signal  Oct 29 24 
 For slow-witted individuals such as me 
 (+6)  Toilet Bowl Bidet Non-Stick Spritzer  Other:  Oct 20 24 
 Spritzes Toilet Bowl With Non-Stick Spray Before You Sit Down 
 (+5)  Really Retro iPhone Dialing App  Product: Phone  Oct 25 24 
 Beyond the rotary phone apps in the link, the older hand cranked phone. 
 (+5)  Membership car wash that follows the member  Business:  Oct 17 24 
 Worth a bit of extra money 
 (+5)  AvocadoWarner  Product: Food Dispenser  Oct 16 24 
 This tiny robot checks when an avocado is ripe and warns you. 
 (+5)  Wheelie Bin Compost Blender Kit  Home: Garden: Composting  Oct 13 24 
 convert your brown wheelie bin into a compost maker 
 (+5)  Infrared Facewarmer Headlamp  Other:  Oct 12 24 
 Infrared Headlamp Warms Nose/Face to Avoid a Cold 
 (+5)  Melting / Un-melting Kenetic Sculpture  Culture: Art: Sculpture  Oct 10 24 
 Sculpture made of magnets suspended by wires on a hoist. 
 (+5)  Freezer Flag  Product: Refrigerator: Outside  Oct 07 24 
 A mailbox flag on your freezer for "caution: drinks are in here getting cold" 

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