Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Veni, vidi, teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini.

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View expression not found: "MyIdeasBest)"

(While processing: /view/MyIdeasBest); query parameters:

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 commented on or created by
 I last took part in the discussion.
 the end of my last session
 the start of my current session

 Filter by category: show only ideas

 Filter by author: show only ideas

 Filter by annotator: show only ideas

 Filter by links: show only ideas with

 Filter by vote: show only ideas
 with or more
 whose votes total at least
 that I

 Filter by idea name: show only ideas

 Filter by search: show only ideas that

 Filter by view:
 Show ideas they also match .
 Include all ideas from in the filter result.


Sort the ideas by 1.
Group ideas
 all together
 by the first sorting criterion
 Print a count of ideas in each group.

Show these ideas as
 a table
idea name   category   modify date  
summary   votes   create date  
author   raw votes   search results  
 an unstructured list of names
idea name   votes   modify date  
author   raw votes   create date  
 groups in three columns
idea name   votes  
author   raw votes  
 RSS 0.91
idea name   votes   type of change  
author   raw votes  
 RSS 1.0
idea name   votes   modify date  
summary   raw votes   create date  
author   category   type of change  
Windowing: show at most ideas at a time.
At most 15 for RSS 0.91, 25 for ideas grouped in 3 columns, 500 otherwise. For ideas grouped in 3 columns, the count is per group.

Title: print this text as a headline and title.
Intro: print this text below the title.


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