Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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endoscope finger goggles

endoscopes on fingers feed goggle displays
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Every finger and toe and other appendage is fitted with a tiny endoscopic camera (having a good depth of field and perhaps an auto-focus for extra depth of field possibilities) and tiny LED lamp. The endoscopes are all networked into goggles which provide a HUD-style view of all of the endoscopic camera feeds.
pocmloc, Sep 01 2020


       Only for those lacking compound eyes, shirley ?
8th of 7, Sep 01 2020

       //switch between all those camera feeds or combine them into a coherent whole would be difficult//   

       I think if you were to wear this device 24 hours a day then after a couple of weeks your brain would get used to it.
pocmloc, Sep 01 2020

       I find this strange.
blissmiss, Sep 02 2020

       Look at it this way. And with a quick hand gesture, also *this* way, at the same time. [+]
pertinax, Sep 03 2020

       Now I'm dizzy.
blissmiss, Sep 03 2020

       //I find this strange//   

       I do my best!
pocmloc, Sep 03 2020

       Certainly help in reaching for dropped stuff behind/under the work cabinet. Need open toed safety shoes, though.
wjt, Sep 04 2020

       //I find this strange//   

       I find the absence of amusing innuendo in the comments strange.
xaviergisz, Sep 05 2020

       // innuendo //   

       As in "Perfect for the voyeuristic suppository user" ?
8th of 7, Sep 05 2020

       I found this strangely.
RayfordSteele, Sep 06 2020

       //Perfect// An out of focus view of the inside of a surgical glove.
wjt, Sep 06 2020

       //Perfect for the voyeuristic suppository user//   

       This is the kind of in-you-endo I was expecting.
xaviergisz, Sep 06 2020


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