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Keep Dry Under Water Exercise Tank

Tank with a dry suit you slip into from above to do water exercises without getting wet.
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Pool exercise classes are common, here's how to do them without getting wet.

The buoyancy would also allow you to jog in place while floating which would eliminate the stress on your knees that you'd get from a treadmill.

The wet suit would be thermally conductive to keep you cool as well.

Could also just to a half tank where it's only pants you slip into to just do the jogging thing. Not only do you get no stress on your joints, but the added resistance gives you more benefit.

Wonder if you could scale this down to just drysuit pants with a flotation collar at the waist that you attach to the edge of the pool to stay in place. Hmm.

Get a pool workout without getting wet. If you're ever tried running in water it is kind of fun.

I'm scaling this down even further. A treadmill replacement where you just put your legs in it, the tank being about 4 feet high by 2 feet wide, all the water enclosed like the rowing machine.

You step into it, grab the bar and start running.

doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024

working out in the cold https://www.health....-of-winter-workouts
Includes tips on what to wear [a1, Feb 12 2024]

Drysuit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_suit
Dry suits should not leak, but once the suit is sealed, interior humidity rises to 100% and condensation will occur on cold surfaces such as the inside of the suit. [a1, Feb 12 2024]

May be a bit bulky for workouts in a pool, but... https://www.nasa.go...k-spacesuit-basics/
Space suits include a cooling garment that circulates chilled water near the astronaut's skin, and vents to draw sweat away. The sweat (and heat!) is vented to space through a "sublimator" - not an option in a swimming pool. [a1, Feb 12 2024]

Dry suits, nothing new. https://blog.padi.c...%20easy%20it%20is.”
[doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024]

Aquatic treadmill workout https://www.ewacmed...nderwater-treadmill
Just add waders to keep your legs dry [a1, Feb 12 2024]

Kinda like this, perhaps? https://www.google....mgrc=-jh1SvkYqpXd_M
[21 Quest, Feb 12 2024]


       A good workout will be sweaty, but such a garment will neither breathe nor wick moisture away from the skin.
a1, Feb 12 2024

       Did I mention that the water is cool? Let me check.   

doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024

       I'm scaling this down even further. A treadmill replacement where you just put your legs in it, the tank being about 4 feet high by 2 feet wide, all the water enclosed like the rowing machine.   

       You step into it, grab the bar and start running.
doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024

       Yep, you did mention the water would be cool. But people sweat even when exercising in the cold. Not as much, and in cold dry air it may evaporate faster - unless you're bundled up in too many layers. Or even a single layer of watetproof non-breathable material.
a1, Feb 12 2024

       There's breathable cloth between the skin and the rubber, which is cold.   

       It's not an issue. Read your posted link.   

       And although it's not an issue, could easily have cool air blown into the suit as well.   

       But it's not an issue so...
doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024

       // breathable cloth between the skin and the rubber, which is cold //   

       Which would end up as clammy wet cloth against the skin, as the cold rubber won't let the sweat escape. Please do read the link I posted - every recommended layer from skin to air is breathable.   

       But is it a PROBLEM for your drysuit idea? Not necessarily, sweat is part of a good workout. i just don't think your drysuit will work the you think it will.
a1, Feb 12 2024

       // cold air blown into the suit //   

       I didn't notice that when I drafted my last note. But where would you get a cold air supply?
a1, Feb 12 2024

       Maybe you could find some cold water from someplace and run the air through it in thermal transfer tubes.   

       Not sure where you'd get the cold water from though.
doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024

       Perhaps I could have worded my last question better - how are you getting this air in and out of the dry suit? Where are the pumps and hoses? Wouldn't want to spoil the elegance of the original concept.   

       Relative flow rate, internal pressure, details like that would still need to be worked out also. Some of NASA's work on spacesuit design might come in handy here.
a1, Feb 12 2024

       I've lost interest.
doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024

       // lost interest //   

       Oh, that's a shame. I was just starting to get interested in studying existing drysuit technology.
a1, Feb 12 2024

       Knock yourself out.
doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024

       It's going to get nasty in the suit.   

       I've done plenty of exercise in rainy parts of the world, the Peak District predominantly, and no matter how good the supposed breathability is of various high tech fabrics is supposed to be, they can't keep up with even a modest amount of sweat. Cold makes it worse, since all the sweat will condense vs evaporate. Wet makes it worse, since the local humidity will approach 100%. Having cool liquid water on the other side of a non-breathable barrier will replicate the conditions for trench foot, only it will be trench-whole lower half.   

       Also, the water would pressurize the dry-suit, pushing the air out, maybe even squashing the legs up toward the surface. So getting in would be difficult... people traditionally get into dry suits in the... dry. And it would probably chafe, although I remember an episode of Top Gear where a guy in a dry suit crossed a muddy estuary or something, he was clearly working hard, so it is doable.   

       Also, what's wrong with getting a bit wet in swimming pool water? I consider that a leisure activity requiring no more than a brief rinse in the shower. An hour of running in half a dry suit would require a more robust wash I fear.   

       Also, there are "anti-gravity" rehabilitation devices for runners and their inevitable injuries. The one I've seen was an inflatable collar around the waist attached to a tent around the treadmill. The tent is inflated providing upward force on the collar supporting some of the weight. The air pressure is also high enough inside to be noticeably thicker adding a little aerodynamic resistance. Anyhow, they're expensive and inconvenient enough, without 100 gallons of water.
bs0u0155, Feb 12 2024

       I just thought of a way this could work.   

       Make the suit of a semi-permeable membrane, and exercise in a salt water pool. As long as the pool water is salty enough, your sweat will wick out by osmosis.
a1, Feb 12 2024

       1. Exercise makes you sweaty   

       2. Sweat is a problem in this contraption   

       3. The contraption is only any use for exercise purposes   

       Conclusion: all problems are solved by simply not exercising. No sweat, no contraption, no problem.
pocmloc, Feb 12 2024

       //the water would pressurize the dry-suit, pushing the air out//   

       You'd turn them inside out to get in.   

       This is just a dry suit for the lower legs. Dry suits are very common and their comfort is discussed in the link.
doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024

       // This is just a dry suit for the lower legs //   

       I'd call those waders. WKTE in lengths from knees and up.   

       Is this all that's left of your scaled down idea - A treadmill workout in a water tank a few feet deep? Those already exists too (link).
a1, Feb 12 2024

       So this idea is widely know to exist because there are already waders and water treadmills just not together?   

       That's like saying "Birds that fly are already widely known to exist, so are chairs, so the airplane was basically invented two thousand years ago with the invention of the first chair."
doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024

       Your concept of wearing waders during an aquatic treadmill workout may be "new" - I'd have to look to see if anyone else has suggested it. Even if it's new-ish, it's a much smaller conceptual leap than birds & chairs to airplanes.   

       I liked the original concept better - which I thought was a full body drysuit that REALLY kept you dry in a pool. If you say existing "drysuits, nothing new" that you linked already do that, you aren't adding much.
a1, Feb 12 2024

doctorremulac3, Feb 12 2024

       // So? //   

       :LOL: Wasn't that reply one of your other inventions? I can't find it by title now but I remember it.
a1, Feb 12 2024


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