Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
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product: audio: record player
Ideas are sorted alphabetically.
Ideas in bold have been created this week.
   Air film bearing turntable 
 (+1)  All-Analogue Turntable 
 (+3)  a sound car 
 (+7)  Big Vinyl 
 (+2)  Constant linear velocity record 
 (+13, -2)(+13, -2)  Digital gramophone 
 (+5)  Digital Optical Virtual Record Player 
 (+2)  Digital vinyl 
 (+2)  double sided record deck 
 (-2)  Drawer Load Record Player 
 (+2, -5)  giantPod 
   Hand in Hand Clock/Turntable (SCARA don'tturntable) 
 (+1)  “Hi-Fi” Turntable 
 (+4)  High Fidelity Gramophone 
 (+5, -2)  Linear Ouroboric Parasitic Record Player Player 
 (+5)  Lissajous Pattern Record Grooves 
 (+5)  Looping toroidal phonograph record 
 (+2)  Magnetic coupling drive turntable 
 (+3)  Möbius Record Player 
 (+2, -1)  Optical Record Player 
 (+3)  Paper Vinyl 
 (+4, -1)  Salvador Dali Phonograph Record 
 (+3, -1)  shape player 
   Sound Car For CDs 
 (+1)  Super-quiet Turntable motor 
 (+1)  Table Music 
 (+3)  The Needle Wiggler 
   Toroidal vinyl record player 
 (+2)  Torque Converter Driven Turntable 
 (+1)  True Audiophile hi-fi vinyl record player 
 (+9)(+9)  Wrist-mounted record player/wristwatch. 


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